San Jose Rock and Roll Half Marathon Report

Brian W.
on 10/6/08 4:07 am - Belmont, CA

Well yesterday was my first ever Half Marathon in San Jose, CA.

Got to hang out a bit on Saturday with Kevin A and Kirsten, did some carb loading, then met up with them pre-race and we got into Corral 10.

Weather was very cool to start, it was overcast till just about the start of the race, then the sun came out.  I was pretty excited before the race, confident i could finish.

Race started a little after 8 am, we got to the start line about 8:09 am and it was on!

My strategy was to pace myself a little below my training runs at the beginning, going about a 10:30 to 11:00 pace

First 3 mile splits were exactly where i wanted to be:

Mile 1: 10:39
Mile 2: 10:35
Mile 3: 10:43

I passed the 5k mark feeling good, my next 3 miles were great as well. 

Mile 4: 10:46
Mile 5: 10:52
Mile 6: 11:10

At about 4.5 miles, I could see the elite runners coming back (Mile 12) and they are impressive.  After the 10k mark, i slowed a bit to down a salt packet.  I was still feeling relatively good.  One elderly lady was sitting in her wheelchair on the sidewalk with a sign that said "I'm too old to run, but I can still cheer"  Funny!

Mile 7: 10:49
Mile 8: 11:20

After Mile 8, my hips really started to give me some aches, so I dialed back my pace to make sure I wasn't totally spent.  I also walked through the water stations to gather some energy.

Mile 9: 12:15
Mile 10: 12:10
Mile 11: 12:12

After Mile 11, my hips were really burning, but I could sense the finish line.

Mile 12: 12:26

Just after Mile 12, there is an underpass and the final small hill, I was using everything I had left to push myself up the hill.  I turned the corner for the final quarter-mile and random strangers were there cheering everyone on, even a couple were on the course high-fiving people as they went by.

I turned the corner at Mile 13: 11:32.  The final straightaway to the finish, I gave it all I had left, nothing was gonna be left in the tank.  The pain in my hips subsided as the adrenaline took over and I crossed the finish line at 2:29:36 official chip time. My girlfriend saw me finish and I had my name announced too, as I crossed the line!  I grabbed water, ice washcloth and various food items, plus i got my finishers medal.

I met my goal of finishing before 2:30 and i had no bathroom stops.  Afterwards, i had the classic runner's walk going on, some cramping in my lower legs, but i kept walking to let the body return to normal.  Met up with Kevin and Kirsten again (who set personal records for their half-marathon) and we went to watch NFL games at a local sports bar and eat really good food.

Probably one of the best and most tiring weekends I've had.  Will I do another one or even a full marathon?  Not sure on the full marathon as the half-marathon took everything out of me.  I may do more half-marathons and will probably line up a few more 10ks before the year is out.

I'm feeling pretty well the morning after, some residual soreness and aches, but not bad for running 13.1 miles.



Linn D.
on 10/6/08 8:09 am - Missoula, MT
Nice Job Brian!

Congratulations, and I'm glad you had a good time!  I really like doing the big races like that.  They're so much fun!

Here's to the next one!

on 10/6/08 9:35 am - Cosby, TN
Great job Brian.  Way to work thru the pain.



Rob S.
on 10/6/08 10:58 am - DE
Great job.  I love these runner stories!  It's so great to hear everyone starting and finishing these events.
Cassie W.
on 10/6/08 11:39 am
Congratulations Brian!  You did a great job implementing your pacing strategy.  With such a large race, it's so easy to get carried away by the crowd and go out too fast.  But, you ran a smart race.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

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