To run or not to run?

Cassie W.
on 9/28/08 6:23 am
Well,  it's a week away from the Wineglass Marathon and the tenderness from last weekend's half marathon hasn't gone away despite the ice and cutting back my mileage.  Based on the symptoms, either the  trochanteric bursa or IT band is inflamed.  Regardless, the treatment is the same.  Rest. Ice.  NSAIDs.

So, reluctantly, I'm going to rest this entire week.  No running, no biking, not even easy walking, in hopes of relieving the inflammation so I can run the marathon.  If there's any doubt, I'll be the cheerleader for my running partner and look for another marathon later this fall.

Lesson learned:  no half marathons two weeks before the big event.  The conditions for the half were so perfect that I pushed myself a little harder than I should have.

Hopefully, it'll calm down and I'll be good to go.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Linn D.
on 9/28/08 9:23 am - Missoula, MT

I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but sadly I don't.  I had pretty bad IT band pain after my first marathon and tried to run on it too soon and made it worse, but I only needed about 5 days to improve it so that I could start training again.

I know you'll do what's best for you when the time comes...

on 9/28/08 11:35 am - Long Island, NY

How frustrating - I hope you are feeling better for the marathon.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 9/29/08 3:47 am - Colonial Heights, VA
But you had a great half and its all experience for the development of an even greater marathoner. 

I too am coming to grips with the conlficts I have had in my desired levels of training for my upcoming events and the defeat I am feeling because I have been active but not prearing as I planned.  This wil not be the only marathon  and I can certainly take the frustration I am feeling that is overcoming the burn out I was feeling and make it motivation for future prep that i now see may carry me for a longer term into the future and my halp me to be comitted and successful than I would have been if I had ran my goal event.  Did that make any sense at all??

Take care of yourself, heal properly so you can continue to excell in your goals and accomplishments.  Sometime the step back to take a step or two forward is not voluntary but things have a wayof working out in the end. and if they haven'ty worked out,...maybe it is because it is not at the end, yet.

You are such an inspiration,...time to make some lemonade Sparky. 
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Cassie W.
on 9/29/08 8:12 am
Thanks Joe,

At every step of the way, I think we always have to be open to reassessing where we are and what we can expect of ourselves.  It's such a balancing act - between pushing and being realistic.  With this marathon, I'll err on the side of caution if there's any doubt.

You've got a full plate yourself with your political aspirations.  Come election day, you'll be ready to reassess your running goals.  I think that's the beauty of running and why I don't want to risk long term damage.  We can run at a maintenance level just for the sheer joy of being outside, burning calories and relieving stress.   Then, there's those longer term goals to run faster or farther.  We can work on speed.  We can work on distance.  Whatever fits into the rest of our life.

Good luck to you and take care.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 10/2/08 5:16 am - Colorado Springs, CO

Hi, I'm going through the IT Band syndrome too. I'm in physical therapy and there are quite a few good stretches that help. Also, I bought the massage roller called the "Stick" and it works great - you just roll it over your IT band and loosen up the ligament. Also, a friend had this and she recommended massage therapy. I went last night so too soon to tell.

I've been able to run again. If I start getting pain, I stop and do the IT band stretches and I'm fine for other leg of the run. My PT is okay with this method - not sure long-term how this will go...


good luck!

Surgery date: Oct 11,2007; Goal Reached July 1, 2008.

Thank God for second chances.

Cassie W.
on 10/2/08 6:44 am
I have a massage scheduled for Friday, but I'm still up in the air about whether I'll run or sit this one out.  If the race was today, I'd be cheerleading.  We'll see what two more days of ice and rest can do.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

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