Lost my MOJO, but got a promotion.

on 9/27/08 12:08 pm - MI
Well I must start off by apologizing for being MIA. After my last triathlon in August, I took off the next day for a week long trip in NYC. Well I seemed to have left workout mojo in NYC.

Now for the promotion/new job. I have been working towards switching from Fire/EMS to a career in Emergency management. Over the past month, I have had some 3 different job interviews for various emergency management positions. I some how was able to land a new position/promotion in the same federal govt I worked in as a Firefighter. However, it will be for a large hospital system. The job will be very challenging, yet rewarding because I will be in charge of all Emergency management functions for the main hospital and 3 outpatient clinics. I will be for the most part be my own boss.

This will be my first job where I didnt wear a uniform or work shift work. So that means, I have spent most of the past couple weeks buying business type clothing. It'll be strange to being wearing a suit/tie, and not a uniform. But its something I am looking forward to. I still get the opportunity to get out and visit the local fire departments, and talk like a fireman.

Now for the workout (or lack there of). I am planning on doing some morning workouts before the commute. As well, as some runs during lunch. I am hoping the hospital has a pool that I can use during lunch time, like the facility just I just left. I will be scoping it all out on Monday while in New Employee Orientation.

So I hope, I am allowed back in the club. And I would appreciate it , if anyone finds some mojo wandering around that they send it back my direction.

Your friend,

(deactivated member)
on 9/27/08 8:19 pm - FL

Congratulations, Curt!  Your work-out mojo may be taking a break, but your career mojo is in full swing!  That's wonderful news.  Changing jobs is very stressful, so be sure that you take good care of yourself during the transition.  I don't know anything about emergency management in a hospital system (I run a nursing home), but it sounds like your new position might be very challenging!  Good luck and let us know how it goes!



Linn D.
on 9/28/08 12:53 am - Missoula, MT
I was just thinking about you, and here you are!

Congrats on the new job!  I don't know if you like it or not, but your life will be a little more ordered without doing the shift work.  The only think I noticed about the change (in my case having 8am classes every day) is that you really do have to plan better to get workouts done in the time frame you have.  Your family time might also be more demanding with you home more evenings and nights, so just be prepared for that.

When life changes happen, some things need to be put on hold.  Once things start settling down a bit, you'll set yourself a new workout schedule because there ARE things you want to accomplish with it.

Take care, and glad to hear from you!

on 9/28/08 2:11 am - MI
Do I dare ask what you might have been thinking about regarding me? ha ha

Yes, I have a feeling that workouts will have to be planned a bit better than it used to be. When I get to work tomorrow, one my the first priorities will be looking for the gym(if they have one), and a place to shower. I would even settle for running outside.

Bike rides and swimming may need to wait for the weekend.

Keep in touch.
Linn D.
on 9/28/08 9:16 am - Missoula, MT
Only good thoughts - hoping you're okay.  Missing the banter a bit.  You know.... the fun stuff.

I'm not on as much either since school started, but I try to make it for a little while each day and answer what I can.

Take good care of you!

Cassie W.
on 9/28/08 5:00 am
Congratulations and welcome back Curt,

Like Linn, I was just starting to wonder what happened to you.  I'm sure once you get settled it to your new job, you'll get your MOJO back. Be sure to introduce yourself to the physical therapy department.  In my hospital, they tend to be the most physically active folks.  You may even be able to find someone to run with before or after work.

There are some pretty amazing emergency preparedness training opportunities available for hospital folks these days.  I'm heading to Anniston, Ala. in October for advanced PIO for healthcare providers.  Everything - the training, food, transportation, housing - is paid for by DHS.  Here's the link for more info:  cdp.dhs.gov/.   We've sent several people (CEO, COO, CNO, emergency preparedness coordinator, hazmat volunteers, head of security, etc.) to the various training sessions and all have said it's worth the time to go. 

Best of luck to you in your new job!

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 9/28/08 6:55 am - MI

Yes, I have been to Anniston. Its a great time. I attended ICS for WMD as well as Live agent training. Once I get settled, I will go down many more times.

PIO training is something I need to work as well.

Thanks, and stay in touch.

on 9/28/08 11:37 am - Long Island, NY

Congrats on the new job!  I'm sure you will develop a routine that will allow you to find your mojo!


5'6" - 302/155-158 

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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

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