Work out question
I have a question about working out for some of ya'll. I spend about an hour and 15 minutes a day five days a week working out (circuit weights) I do upper body one day and legs/abdomen/back the next. After working out I walk for at least 45 minutes. I have been doing this on a tread mill but I recently started doing it outdoors and it is much more enjoyable outside the gym. My question is it better to walk on a treadmill or actually walk outside? Another question I have is is it better to weight train first and then do the cardio work or vice versa? I feel like I get a better work out with the weights if I do them first, especially on the days that I do leg work with the weights.
I also have hit a plateau in weight loss but I am definitely still losing inches so I of course i hope that this means that i am adding some muscle mass. My question about this is if anyone has any suggestions about jumpstarting the weight loss again IF it continues to be sluggish for more than three months or so?
It will be interesting to see what others would have to say about this.
Thanks for your reply. I agree that working out is great for your mental is unbelievable!!! I know that I never believed it before I had surgery and lost some weight but working out is WAAAAAYYYYYY better for controlling stress and improving you outlook on life than a bag of Oreos is...and their is no guilt in taking a long walk!
I have actually started running some. I don't run much because I think it is an unatural act for a 43 year old man to run much but a little bit sure makes a difference!!! I am also doing some stationary bycicle now and my goal is to get to the point that I can ride a bike about 10 miles or so a day. I want to ride a bike to take my son to school and pick him up in the morning. Im like you, working out s great!!!
I'm a fan of being outdoors (partially b/c of my ADD ) because it is natural. Running on something that is artificial is against our basic instincts (if you view humans as animals), whereas running/walking outside is natural. Honestly, do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Some people love the treadmill and hate the outdoors, which is fine. Do what YOU want to and what is best for your schedule.
A quick tip I use is interval training. Here's an excellent article that is extremely readable and easy to follow (plus I really like reading the magazine).
Hope that helps!