how to get started

on 9/27/08 5:35 am
I am waiting for a surgery date and I hate excercise.  How do i even get started and when should i start?  Do I wait until after surgery.  Anyone else hate it?  Anyone else that use to hate it and now loves it???  What did you do???
(deactivated member)
on 9/27/08 9:28 am - FL
Yes, by all means start now!  I would begin by maybe 20 minutes on the treadmill.  If you have to start with 10-15 minutes thats ok too.  Just try to add a few minutes and/or add intensity each day.  Most of the people on this board are runners so they can give you advice on that.  I would also recommend going to a gym and using the machines.  Start with what you can do, but don't settle in there.  Add intensity each time.  Most people have trouble staying motivated working out at home.

I'll tell you what worked for me.  I remember the first time I walked on the treadmill, I could only do 10 minutes.  After three minutes on the eliptical I was dying!  Now, I do the eliptical for an hour at a time--no problem!  I weight train M-W-F.  I work chest/backs/Abs on Monday, Butt & legs on Wednesday, and Tri's/Bi's/shoulders on Friday.  I was doing an hour of eliptical on Tuesday and Thursday.  I've decided to break it up in 30-45 minute segments throughout the week.

When I started exercising I HATED it.  Now I love it and refuse to let anything get in the way of it.  It's like brushing my teeth--I don't have to decide whether I'm going to--I just do it!  It's now part of my everyday life.

Go shopping and treat yourself to the nicest work-out clothes that you can find.  It really helps on those days when you don't want to go.  The hardest part is getting started so just do it...and keep doing it!

on 9/28/08 9:47 am
Hi Wanda,
Thanks so much for the response.  I really need a boost to get going on excercising.  I am hoping that i will get to like it better after my surgery and after some weight comes off. 
I checked out your blog and congratulations!!  You look amazing.  I love what you wrote about loving your life.  I too have a fabulous life.  I love my husband, my family, my job....but i too have struggled with my weight all my life.  It is time to focus on me now and getting healthy so that I have many more happy healthy years.
Thanks again for the encouragement.
on 9/28/08 1:49 am - Barboursville, WV
I tell every one that I am one of the people I use to make fun of. You know you see them running up and down the streets.

The way I started was walking. Simple, easy to do. I started walking every day at lunch. Just around the block, then two blocks, now I walk two miles every day at lunch and run three to five miles every evening.  Joined the local fitness club and hit the treadmill. Slowly at first and cranked up the incline a little at a time and some where along the way started to through in some running. Once a week I do a long run, I am up to ten miles. Two years ago I would have told anyone that said I could or would be able to run ten miles with out stopping was crazy.

Some where along the way while I was loosing weight I remember having so much evergy that I had to do some thing. That is what really made the difference, I really felt like doing more than sitting on my ass in my recliner.

I started walking in the hospital after surgery and have never stopped. What made the biggest difference was geting in the routine of doing it every day.

pan head
on 9/28/08 9:49 am
Hey pan head,

Thanks so much for the response.  I will try to start simple and walk.  Did you start before or after your surgery.  I am hoping that after surgery it will get easier and more enjoyable. 
Sounds like you are doing great.  I can't wait to honestly say the words I have so much energy.  Did you find you had no energy before.  I sure don't have energy. 

Thanks again for your response.
Keep up the good work
on 10/1/08 1:25 am, edited 10/1/08 1:25 am - Littleton, MA

I was a true couch potato. I tried to start walking the dogs. I figured that they would add that to their routine and would not let me stop. Even their longing faces did not get me off the couch. I heard about the Wii Fit. It is an add-on to the Wii game system. It has a board that you exercise on. It tracks your weight and movements. There are four types of exercise: yoga, strength training, aerobic and balance games. My husband and I have gone from zero exercise to 25 minutes of exercise daily. This is the time that it would take to get to a gym. I can now jog for five minutes - a year ago I could not run 50 feet. I want to add another five or ten minutes every couple of weeks.

Just another thought from an exercise-phobic.

Chris G.
on 10/1/08 3:50 am
The best advice is to start slow, don't be overzealous. My advice on this is going to be different than the rest and here's why.

Exercise should not be something you do to lose weight. The many health benefits are too numerous to list here but the argument is the same: exercise should be done to increase personal health and well-being. Exercise is great in assisting weight loss, but the health benefits are too numerous and significant to ignore.

The bottom line is this: if you don't like running or jogging or lifting weights, that's fine. In order to stick with exercise, create a social group where you can communicate with others who share your point-of-view. Having social support is highly correlated with people sticking to exercise.

Second, find something you like to do. I'm not a big fan of walking or running just to do it. Martial arts, dancing, yoga, etc. are all great calorie burners and great exercise! If you like the exercise, chances are you're going to stick with it. One of my first graduate classes made me go to 10 different types of exercise that I had never done before. I was hesitant at first, but I enjoyed doing almost all of the exercises. Try different things out with an open-mind and see what you like and dislike.

Just find something you enjoy, find some like-minded people, and go for it.
Chris Gillette, MS
on 10/5/08 1:32 pm
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the great response!!  Wow it really has me thinking outside the box.  Whenever I think of excercize it is always the same old thing.....walking on the treadmill, alone in my basement and dreading it.  I really like your idea of making it more of a social thing as well.  Making it more fun.  I am going to try and do that.  Is it ok if I add you as a friend?  I really like your ideas and suggestions. 
on 10/19/08 11:50 am
Hi Chris,
I took your advice and tried some new types of excercise.  It was the best advice!!!  I loved it.  I joined the YMCA and tried a bunch of new classes.  I was really nervous.  I feel like i was the only big person there.  Everyone was healthy and fit but I made myself stay.  I told myself that I had to start somewhere. 
I tried group power, aquacize, cardio mix, group cycle and drums alive.  I liked all of them except for group cycle.  Not too thrilled with that one.  It was really really hard and I hurt my knee.  Thanks for the great tip. 
Chris G.
on 10/20/08 6:58 am, edited 10/20/08 12:06 pm
That's great (sucks about your knee though)! I'm excited for you. You've done the hardest part, starting exercise. Now, the easy part is doing what you enjoy and reaping the benefits of the exercise.

The "sexy" exercises that everyone wants to focus on are aerobic, cardio, and weight-training. You will seldom hear anyone that emphasizes your enjoyment in the selection of exercise. I truly believe that there is an exercise for every person. Myself, it's martial arts. I enjoy it, but not everyone does. My point though, is that there is an exercise for's not all doom and gloom and loneliness. Exercise is meant to be fun at the same time as improving your health.

Have you created goals for yourself? Short-term goals and long-term goals help give your plan some teeth in your life and habits. Seeing your goals and making specific plans to achieve them will go a long way. Also, give yourself some rewards (NEVER food) when you meet your goals. It's ok to indulge yourself with whatever you like. Here are some questions to ask yourself when you are trying to find a reward to your new behavior (exercise): (i). what kinds of things do you like to have?; (ii). what are your hobbies?; (iii). what makes you feel good?

I'm glad that I gave you some advice you can use. Keep exercising!
Chris Gillette, MS
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