Weight gain with increased (intense) exercise program?

on 9/23/08 1:40 am - NC
I've been doing a "bootcamp" type program three times a week for the past 2-3 weeks whi*****ludes lots of pushups, moderate - light weights, lunges, etc.  Also stretching, warm up jogging, jumping jacks, sit ups and other strength, flexability and stretching routines.  My trainer told me to not weigh myself because I may gain weight from muscle and get discouraged when I see that on the scale even though I've been told I'm looking a little more compact and smaller (but he is right, I am getting discouraged).  How do you handle this and when should I hopefully see the scale start going back down, say after a month or so?  I assume drinking more water than I have been will hopefully get the scale moving in the right direction again?

Any tips would be welcome.

Thank you!


Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness.

on 9/23/08 6:11 am
You just have to accept the fact that muscle weights more than fat. The scale may have moved up for a short while but it will go the other way soon. Only this time you will be burning more calories during your resting time. Hope this helps
Kelly V.
on 9/23/08 6:35 am - Galion, OH
When I start my heavy work outs and weight training I notice my second and third week I stall on the scale.  This is the primary reason I measure my inches.  The scale bums me out and I take it out on my family. 

Last week (well it was that time of the month) the scale said I gained 3 lbs and then by the end of the week those 3 lbs were gone and that left me where I started but I lost 10 inches.  So I am happy with that.

But yes it sucks when the scale doesn't move.
on 9/23/08 9:46 am - NC
Thanks everyone for the responses - I'll try to be more patient!


Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness.

(deactivated member)
on 9/24/08 9:18 am - FL
I don't think you will see more than a five pound weight gain.  Embrace it and know that the more muscle you grow, the more calories you will burn in the long run.  Within six weeks, it will not be an issue. 

I've purposely been adding more weight to my routine to enlarge my muscles. I was considering surgery to remove skin from my arms.  Since I changed my routine, I have great looking muscles and definition and I wouldn't even consider surgery now! 

Keep concentrating on body definition.  The scales are just one measure of success! 


on 9/24/08 10:16 am - NC
Thank you, your post is very encouraging!


Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness.

Chris G.
on 9/25/08 6:28 am
Have you done aerobic exercise at all? I see you do warm up jogging, but do you do anything else? If you did about an hour of aerobic exercise (light jogging, walking, etc.) you should see a larger difference than just the bootcamp. Also, what you are eating could have an effect on your scale.

In grad school I learned that if a person wanted to weigh themselves, you should do so in the morning right after you wake up every day. The theory is that you are more likely to know what you ate and how you exercised the preceding day than if you weighed later in the day and thus how your diet and exercise affected your weight.

Does any of that make sense?
Chris Gillette, MS
on 9/25/08 6:38 am - NC
Hi there.  I actually am going to start walking more and bootcamp less.  I just started working again and so can't make the weekday morning classes anymore, so I will be doing one bootcamp class a week on Saturday (1 hour class) then I will try to walk a few times during the week.  I'm also going to start beginners adult karate this week which may equal two or three times a week (hopefully) and those classes last about an hour.

Food wise, I'm definitely eating better than pre-band, I still think I need another fill or two to be at the sought-after sweet spot.  I also trying to up my protein more by drinking a couple of protein shakes during the day because I don't think I was getting enough in lately.  And yes, weighing in the morning first thing makes sense, however - I'm an idiot and weigh 2-3 times a day (not good I know) and I'm trying to work on that.

Thanks so much for the response!


Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness.

on 9/25/08 10:32 pm - NJ
Just my 2 sense I am pre surgery and have been working out with a trainer for 8 yrs (weight training  and lots of cardio) .I weigh 275 at 5'8 i use to be a 26-28 before I worked out at this weight. but now I am an 18-20 at this weight. 1 lb of muscle and 1 lb. of fat weigh the same they just look different on your body muscle looks tight and compact and fat a fluffy pillow. So keep weight training (and lots of cardio) you will love the results!! Good Luck.
on 9/26/08 12:12 am - NC
Thank you for the encouragement and you sound like you've done quite well yourself!


Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness.

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