Any exercise suggestions?

on 9/22/08 1:16 am
I should start off this post saying I really do not enjoy exercise.  Usually, walking is one of the only exercises I will do.  I've done aerobics, treadmill, exercise bicycle, and elliptical.  At one point, (early to mid-2000's) I was going to a gym nearly religiously 3-4 times a week and hated every second of it.  I don't get the "high" some people say they get from exercises.  I just did my exercise and counted the seconds till I could leave.

To make matters worse right now, I have lupus and I was taken off my lupus medication in early August (after 10 years) as I was showing serious side-effect signs.  So, I'm in more pain than usual.

Any suggestions on some exercise I might like that wouldn't be too hard on joints and bones?  Tough request, I know.  But I'll take suggestions.  And as a side note, between full time job, part time job, Microbiology class 2 nights a week, and taking care of my disabled mother...getting to a class of sorts is nearly impossible.

Thanks for any advice!

Highest Weight/Surgery Weight/Current Weight/Goal
Brian W.
on 9/22/08 8:55 am - Belmont, CA

Hi Elli

Have you tried swimming as a form of exercise? Its low impact on the joints and is a total body workout.

Most swim centers have open swim hours, so see if that will match your schedule.

Good luck


on 9/22/08 10:13 pm
Thank you Brian.  I have thought about swimming before, but mostly looked into the water aerobic classes which are NEVER a good time for me.  But just going in during open hours and swimming laps or whatever by myself might work.  I'll have to check into the operating hours of the aquatic is only about 2 miles from my house.

Thanks again!

Highest Weight/Surgery Weight/Current Weight/Goal
on 9/26/08 12:50 am - La La Land, CA
If you like the water, you may want to look into aqua jogging. You don't need a class to do this, you can do it on your own. I discovered this form of exercise by accident (I was checking out a pool near my home to see the lap swim schedule, and I saw something called aqua jogging was also on the schedule -- I tried it and loved it).

To make the aqua jogging most comfortable for me, I eventually bought my own floatation belt. I also got something called Burdenko Water Walkers (they look kind of like snowshoes) to put on my feet -- this seriously ups the resistance in the water and makes this QUITE a workout. It's like being on an elliptical machine, but in the water.

Some things I really like about aqua jogging is that I could do it at my own pace. Also I liked that my body was totally supported in deep water (feet not touching the bottom of the pool) so it really felt good for my overweight frame to get some relief. Also, even when I work out pretty hard jogging in the water, I don't feel as winded as I do when performing land exercises. (Heart rates do not get as high in the water as they would on land during exercise because the pressure of the water on your body actually assists your circulatory system in doing it's job -- but don't be fooled -- you're still getting a workout -- just go by perceived rate of exertion and not heart rate).

This is just one option among many, of course.

The key for me and exercise has been to find activities that I like.  I've always liked the water, so it's a good fit for me. (Also, I now live in Southern California so year-round swimming without freezing to death is very do-able here.) This is to say, if you don't like it, no biggie. It seems to me that it's more important to just find activities that you like. (More later)...
on 9/26/08 1:06 am - La La Land, CA
Just re-read your original message and am sorry to hear that you are in pain.  I feel that I should add that aqua jogging is VERY easy on the joints and bones (even for a person who isn't overweight -- though aqua jogging is very kind to an overweight body). I met a lot of people at the pool who are aqua jogging with all kinds of injuries--back, knee, neck/shoulders--you name it.

One thing I have noticed about going to the pool is that there is an added benefit that I do not get from the other forms of exercise that I do (which are all on land). It just feels very nurturing and therapeutic. I find that on days that I've been in the pool, I feel more calm, more at ease, than a day when I have only done land exercise (or, in some cases, haven't done any exercise at all). This is even true on days when I have used the jacuzzi at my gym -- as wonderful as that is to get in ho****er after exercising, I honestly feel better on days when I've only been in the pool exercising than on days that I haven't been in the pool but have used the jacuzzi. 

There is something about being in the water that I just think "speaks" to my body on a subconscious level and makes it feel good. I am not kidding you when I say that on days when I go to the pool I feel like I've just come home from a spa. It's that relaxing and I really feel it helps me focus during the day (if I go to the pool in the AM) and sleep better at night (esp when I go to the pool in the evening).

I too am trying to figure out what kinds of exercise I like. One of the things that I am trying to do is to NOT think of it as exercise, but rather, to think about being more active. Also, instead of the dreaded work exercise, I try to think that I am looking to move my body. The word "movement" is much more positive in my mind than the word "exercise", which sometimes sounds like punishment! For me that means dance classes -- I find that they are helping me to get more comfortable moving in my body. (I was so disconnected from my body before I started losing this weight -- even though I'm not even near my goal weight, I have already realized how I want to  relearn what my body can do in terms of movement.)

Hope that this helps! I hope that you find activities that you can enjoy (or at least, not despise!)

You also said that you walk. There's nothing wrong with walking! That is totally legitimate exercise and all you need is yourself and a pair of shoes!
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