Bad eating habits?

on 9/16/08 4:44 am - Salem, OR
Okay, so I know everyone on here is a dedicated workout machine!  But, my question is ... do you all fall back into bad eating habits?  I have this nasty habit of wanting to snack in the evenings when the kids go to bed.  Or if I've had a bad day, I want to reach for something "bad" to eat. 

I know this is probably more common than I think it is.  But in my mind you are all hard-working dedicated athletes who only eat healthy food!  Haha!  Anyway, I know that I feel better during my workouts when I've eaten properly.  And I know it's not a healthy thing to find myself falling back into those habits.  I've just fallen into a funk lately and can't seem to motivate myself back out of it!  Do you all go through these ruts too? 

Please, someone kick my BUTT!!!  I need to get myself back into a good program again!

--Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Elisa K.
on 9/16/08 5:23 am - Lumberton, NJ

Hi Deanna:
I try very hard to eat properly, but I still fall back into bad habits from time to time, especially when I am super stressed.  We are all human - it happens!!  I find that if I eat too many "bad carbs" I immediately bloat up and pack on water weight. I can get this weight off in about a week, but I do not like the way I feel.  I also find that if I get the taste of "bad carbs" in me, I want more of them!  If I stay away from them - I am fine, and do not crave them.  

I weigh myself every day, and track my food on  I don't freak out if I see a few pound fluctuation (I usually know what it is from - TOM, eating out, etc) but I am concious of it, and try to make adjustments to my food plan. 

Hang in there!!  You'll get out of the funk - you are aware of it - that is most important!!     

on 9/16/08 6:04 am
For me the biggest addiction is my old habbit of eating at night.
I crave salty, crunchy foods the most, and I will find myself with the hand in the cupboard looking for a snack even if I am not hungry.   Most of the time I catch myself, some times I don't.  I think it is going to be a life long struggle for me.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Linn D.
on 9/16/08 7:29 am - Missoula, MT

I snack at night also, but I've made that snack a part of my food intake.  I absolutely LOVE toast before bed.  If I count on being able to have that, I tend to snack less on other stuff.  I'm not big on deprivation, so I have to allow myself some things.

Since my husband has been working away from home, I find it hard to cook, so eating well isn't as easy as when I don't cook.  It definitely requires some conscious effort, but I also allow myself to be human sometimes and have some things just because I want them.

Try making an evening snack something you do and plan the rest of your day accordingly.

on 9/16/08 8:32 am - Cosby, TN
Deanna cover over here and turn around. There you go did you feel it!!!  HA HA Don't feel bad I think we all go through that, but I am like Linn I don't deprive myself, I find that if I want potatoe chips and I have a few ( yes a few) then I'm fine.  It is when I don;t have something that I'm really craving that I get into trouble.  I usually have a bowl of fruit or some sort of snack about 8pm every night and that helps.



on 9/16/08 10:28 pm - Long Island, NY
I always have an evening snack and it probably isn't the world's healthiest choice, but it is certainly a lot healthier than what I would have had pre-surgery.  I have worked snacks into my eating program and couldn't imagine not being able to have a snack.  I think we are have times where our choices aren't the best.  So I wouldn't worry too much about having a "bad" spell.  That being said, be careful that the rut doesn't become a routine!  It is very easy to slip into old habits.  I do think the exercise helps to prevent that from happening.  It has always been easier for me to eat better when I am exercising; they seem to go hand in hand for me.

5'6" - 302/155-158 

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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Rob S.
on 9/17/08 1:14 am - DE

Hey Deanna,
Five years out and I still fight it, but have yet to fall prey to mind games.  Since I still do six meals a day, I always have a snack around 7:30pm.  It is almost always yogurt with pumpkin seed granola.  It does just enough to satisfy those evil cravings. 
Just remember how long it takes to work off 100 calories.   You know all the right stuff, now you just need to implement.  Usually when I get into one those funks, I realize it's time to change my routine, and get some motivation by trying something new.  One good way to avoid that grazing thing at night is just go to bed.  You can't eat when your sleeping.
Feel your pain.

on 9/17/08 9:15 am - Salem, OR
Thanks everyone for making me feel normal!  --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

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