New Runner question

on 9/8/08 11:33 am - MI
Last night I did W1D1 of C25K.  I felt good after the "run" but today my legs are really sore.  Did I over do it?  Should I continue with my schedule and run again tomorrow if my legs are sore?
Linn D.
on 9/8/08 1:30 pm - Missoula, MT

I might not be the best to give advice, but I probably would at least attempt to do tomorrow's run.  I would do the run portions a little slower.  But... if the legs are still really sore, you might be better off walking.  Movement does help get rid of the lactic acid, but too much isn't helpful and can actually be harmful.  Also, there's nothing wrong with repeating any of the weeks until you're ready for the next.

Congratulations on starting the program!  I really enjoy running and am always happy to see others join in the fun.

on 9/8/08 9:18 pm - MI
If I run any slower I'll be walking .  I felt pretty good mentally after I finished the first day.  I wouldn't say that I love running yet but I am hoping that will come.  I will give it a try again tonight and see how it goes.
Elisa K.
on 9/8/08 10:40 pm - Lumberton, NJ

I started running this past spring, and I have to say, that I LOVE running!!  Congratulations on starting the program - I hope you come to love it as much as I do!!

That said, I agree with Linn - try to stick to the schedule, and do what you can.  If it is too much, walk the rest - but movement will help with the soreness. 

Good luck!!

on 9/8/08 11:56 pm - MI
I'm going to give it a try.  Did you LOVE running when you first started?  Or did running grow on you?
Elisa K.
on 9/9/08 1:32 am - Lumberton, NJ
I did like it in the beginning.  Yes, I was sore, and sometimes it sucked (sometimes it still does - LOL) but I was amazed that I was actually running (I was 360 lbs the day of surgery, so obviously, running was not something I ever did - LOL) and I liked that I could see and measure progress (could run longer, cover the same distance a little faster, etc).

Now I am at the point where, most days, it is very enjoyable.  When I am running, I totally zone out, and just concentrate on my breathing, how I'm feeling, and the world around me.  I'm not thinking about work, or that I have to clean the house, or pay bills, etc.  It is "me" time, and I totally crave it, and look forward to it.  

I really want to maintain my weightloss, and the only way I am going to do that is to make fitness an important part of my life.  I think running is going to stick, and help me reach my goals!!

on 9/26/08 8:10 am - San Jose, CA
W1D1 of C25K  what program is this?
RNY Surgery 3/4/08
on 9/26/08 10:29 am - MI
I did week one, day one of the Couch to 5K program.  It's a training program to get you off of the couch and running a 5K in 9 weeks (or more if you need to repeat weeks).  You can find the program on  There is also a podcast available on iTunes (I think there are several podcasts if you do a search).

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