Weekend Workouts!

Linn D.
on 9/7/08 6:28 am - Missoula, MT
Since no one's posted workouts this weekend, I guess I'll start.

My long run Saturday was 8 miles, then I came home and mowed the lawn (1.5 hr project).

Today I got up early, did a bunch of housework, then did a 1 hour spin class.  It was a GREAT class.  I'll have to take more of her classes since she gives a fantastic workout.

I decided to start on a different training plan for January's marathon since I think the one I was on takes more time than I have to give.  I think it will be good anyway since it's designed for intermediate runners and there will be 2 of the 20-milers in this plan.

Hope everyone else is doing well this fine weekend!

on 9/7/08 7:19 am
Saturday morning I went to the gym for 1 1/2 for cardio and resistance training. Then I went to a water exercise class for an hour.
Sunday morning I went to the gym for about an hour of cardio.
Will try to hit my ball and weights at home this evening.  
Brian W.
on 9/7/08 7:48 am - Belmont, CA
Good workout weekend for me

Saturday had 1 hour cross train

Today, I did 9 mile run in about 1:40.  I was really taxed at the end though, I thought my pacing was good, but i guess the body hits a wall about mile 8.

Cassie W.
on 9/7/08 8:41 am
It's a shame today wasn't a race day.  I had a great training run today.  Temperatures were perfect.  Low humidity.  Fresh legs.  I finished my 10-miler in an 1:39  for a 9:56 pace.  Now, I just hope the conditions are the same for my half marathon Sept. 21.

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Linn D.
on 9/7/08 10:40 am - Missoula, MT

Don't you wish every run was like that!  Of course they aren't, but having them once in a while is a great way to keep you going!  I love days like that.  They make every step you've ever run worth it.

Cassie W.
on 9/8/08 9:32 am

It seems like these kind of days come along just when I need them most.  I was feeling sluggish and unmotivated Saturday.  Then, along came Sunday and I felt like I could fly. 

What plan are you following now for your marathon? 

"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Linn D.
on 9/8/08 1:53 pm - Missoula, MT
The Rock and Roll has a thing with New Balance so that when you sign up for their races, you get a free training plan.  I chose the intermediate plan this year since I did the beginner last year and have been running a lot more.  These plans are all 20 weeks and only call for 4 run days a week (instead of 5) and I'll still have a pair of 20-milers.  I felt like doing 5 runs was just a little much with the rest of what I'm doing, so this plan works into my life a little easier.

These plans use run minutes rather than miles with the exception of the long runs.  Those they expect you to do a certain number of miles.  So, today's run was 45 minutes and I got in just over 5 miles and I'll still get over 23 miles in this week.  Toward the middle and end, they also work in some speed and tempo runs and tell you just how to do them.  That's where I learned about them in the first place and what's really helped me improve my times this year.

I'm really looking forward to this one and applying the lessons learned from last year's.

Judi J.
on 9/7/08 9:46 am - MN
since I've been slacking i've been avoiding this forum for a week!

despite myself I finished my first 5k with no walking on Saturday! This was a huge mental hurdle for me. I just went really slow and didn't even take the water, it felt great!

now i need to improve my time and distance so I can do more sprint triathlons next summer!

Rode 12 miles on the bike today.

my legs are reminding me why slacking is stupid
Linn D.
on 9/7/08 10:38 am - Missoula, MT
Hey Judi,

Great job on your 5k!  I know what you mean about the mental hurdle of running the whole way.  I remember finishing my walk to jog program and having a hard time believing I could actually run 3 mile straight without walk breaks.  Now I get upset when I have to stop to use the potty during longer races.

Anyway, as far as the 'slacking' goes, sometimes we just call it 'recovery' since the body truly does need a slow down every now and again.

Congrats again on FINISHING YOUR FIRST 5K!!!

on 9/8/08 2:37 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hi Judi,

Weigh to go Judi for finishing your first 5K.  Even better that you ran all of the way.

Keep up the good work.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

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