Big Shoulders 5K Swim

on 9/7/08 5:02 am
I completed the Big Shoulders 5k swim on lake michigan yesterday. I went in with the goal of :finishing but in the end I was dissapointed in my time of 1:48:15 seconds. It put me #37 out of 43 in the wetsuit category.

In the sprint tris my swim and bike have been carrying me and my run has been pitiful. To finish 37 out of 43 is a definate blow to my confidence level. In my last tri in August I was able to finish in the top half overall based on my swim and bike times while holding on for the run. I have been justifying it by saying that the athletes involved in the big shoulders race are mostly competive swimmers with some triathletes thrown in. vs a tri where the swim is the week discipline for a lot of participants.

I have decided that I would like to train for an ironman distance event before I am 40. Which gives me 16 months. I have been thinking that next fall would be a good time frame. I am thinking a year may not be enough time but I would like to attempt it. Although I was able to swim 3.1 miles under the cutoff time for a 2.4 mile swim in the IM.

I guess I need to put things in perspective a bit less than a year ago I was over 400# and out of breath on a casual walk. Yesterday I swam 3.1 miles I guess that is an accomplishement regardless of the time.

Sherry S.
on 9/7/08 5:27 am - Warner, NH
 Jon..Please, don't underestimate what you have accomplished.  From 400# to this?  You have done awesome.  I know the feeling of disappointment, but my word...don't be impatient with yourself !  You are doing great!    i cant even do the bike for more that 6 minutes yet.  
              Mini Goal : 10 lbs by 4/16/10
Start/294 Surgery/263.6  Current/248  Goal/155

 Start/291   Day of Surgery/262.6  Current/246.6  Personal Goal/155  Lost so far:  41.8

Judi J.
on 9/7/08 5:38 am - MN
i think you said it yourself best. compared to a year ago, what you are doing is amazing!

now that you know you can swim that distance, you can work on improving your time.

I am massively impressed that you swam a 5k in open water. I need more open water practice and more training period.

congratulations on your accomplishment and on your new goals!

Linn D.
on 9/7/08 6:04 am - Missoula, MT
Hey Jon,

That's a long damn swim!  I cannot even begin to imagine swimming for that long (yet), so my hat's off to you!  Congrats!

I'm aiming for a half iron next year.  I'm over 40 already, so it's not as big a deal to me if I'm 45 before I do my first full ironman.  That said, I think you have plenty of time to train for one.  I do think, though, if the run is a weak spot for you, it may be a good idea to train for and do a marathon in the near future to get used to being on your feet for that long.

You're doing great!  Keep up the good hard work.


on 9/7/08 8:18 am - Fort Worth, TX

    Are you kidding me.... The word dissapointed in the same paragraph as "I finished a 5K swim"...You've lost your mind. You are the man!!! I am 8 months post op, was at 400 pounds as well, and on a very good day I will swim 2,000 Meters....But 5,000 meters+ ?That might take me a while to aspire to. I have my first sprint tri in 2 weeks, and  am excited about it, but dang dude, don't sell yourself short, ask all of the people you know in your life if they want to go out and swim over 3 miles with you in the morning, I doubt you will get any takers. Kudos to you, and rock on with the goal for an Ironman distance, I hope to be there within 2 years.

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

on 9/7/08 11:52 am
What is a realistic time frame to train for a marathon?
Linn D.
on 9/7/08 2:00 pm - Missoula, MT

Most training plans I've seen are 20 weeks.  The plan for the marathon I'm doing in January started this week.  I'm also planning a half iron five months later and am sure I'll have plenty of time to prepare.  If I had the time, I'm sure I'd be able to do a full iron, but I can't be sure I'll have enough hours to train since I'm in my first year of pharmacy school and working part time.

If you've done some pretty long runs, there are also some 12-week plans I've seen, but since I'm not in a rush, I didn't pay much attention to those.

Hope this helps some.

on 9/7/08 2:29 pm
So at 20 weeks I might be able to pull off a marathon this winter? The longest runs that I have done have been 5 miles. The longest race run has been 4.1 miles in a tri. 26 miles seems like a really long run. Then add .2 on top of that.

I have been surfing the net a little tonight and have looked at the disney (1/11/09)and miami marathons (1/25/09). I wonder either of these would be feasible. The fact that I live in Chicago and training would be in the cold and those locations would be warm seem like a double edge sword.

Is it a realistic goal to do a marathon in January?
on 9/8/08 5:18 am - Dacula, GA
First...CONGRATS on the swim time! You were against swimmers, not triathletes!

Second, be careful w/marathon training. You need a good base before it's a good idea to train. The 20 weeks is after you have a base. You've been working out, so you do have some sort of base going on. You're certainly cardiovascularly ready.

You need to be REALLY careful about when/how you increase your milage. If you follow Hal Higeon's plan do NOT do intermediate or advanced, it's likely to injure you.

Lots of areas have marathon training programs....that's how I got started. More fun with a group. I was VERY intimidated when I started, but quickly warmed up and had fun!
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