Try a Tri...

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/08 3:37 am
Hello & thanks for reading and giving any advice... I usually hang out at the RNY or Ontario forum...

This week will be my 12th week out from surgery. I have decided to one of my goals for this new adventure would be to participate in a Try a Tri (300m swim, 15k bike, 5k run/walk). I have 11 months to get ready for it.

I have joined a gym. I am there 3 times per week (treadmill, weights, elliptical) . I walk & I bike. I was there this morning and met with a trainer. Expressed my desire & was not really given too much advice. She basically encouraged some limitations. Get what you pay for I guess; it was a free consult. LOL

Because I am renewing my healthy life style, I have asked for some advice. I yet to  received the guidance of what I am looking for. All I would like to know is how to get from where I am to where I want to go. I am looking for resources: books, web sites, inspiration...

I know the onus come down to me... I would just like some basic direction...

Thanks again...


on 9/4/08 7:52 am
My favorite book is Sally Edward's Triathlons for Women.  Good plain simple advice.  I got my on Amazon a couple of years ago for about $12. 

RNY: 11/19/07


LW: 140 (January 09)

CW: 180

GW: 155-160

on 9/4/08 12:53 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Hey There,

    Are you doing the prairie man tri this weekend, or Denison Dash on 9/20? I'll be there.... take care.

Also, the best way to train for a tri is to start doing the excercises in the environments in which you would do them in a tri. Go for a walk/jog outside in the elements, swim in open water if you can safely, cycle on the road , then try to stretch your distance, then try to improve your speed. Good luck in your goal, it is a noble one! I am 8 months post op next week and have my first 2 tri's this month, I am way excited. Today I swam 1600meters in 34 minutes, and this evening I ran 6 miles in 59:23 on a pretty hilly run! I could barely walk for 1 mile at 2.5 mile p/hr on the treadmill 4 weeks post-op, now I am in a different world. I had 8 month post-op visit with mt surgeon this week....Resting heart rate is 51 !!! I had high blood pressure before surgery, now I have a better heart rate than my surgeon, who is an athlete himself. Just be patient and work on improvement not perfection and you will do anything you set your mind to!

Your Friend In Health & Sport,

Dan Benintendi - OH Support Group Leader
Support Group:

Linn D.
on 9/4/08 10:45 pm - Missoula, MT
Hi Lisa,

There are lots of ways to go in the beginning. 

If you're not a good swimmer, the best thing to do would be to get some swimming lessons and get started swimming a couple times a week.

Since you don't run yet, getting going on a walk to jog or couch to 5k program would be a good way to get started with the run.

Most people have the biggest issues with running and swimming, so if you get started on these things first, you shouldn't have much trouble.

When you start running, though, get your shoes at a good running store where they will watch your foot strike and pick out a type of shoe that works best for your feet.  You will want to do this so you can avoid injury.

Any other specific questions you may have, feel free.  There are several of us who have done tris.

Kate U.
on 9/5/08 2:25 am - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Hi there

Congrats on your success thus far. I was actually just looking at doing the Couch to 5k program, as I've always hated running and haven't run since high school. Someone had posted on here a month or two ago with pics from their first completed tri and I was like enamored with the idea. The distance though just seemed way too overwhelming a goal for me right now. But I've never heard of a Try A Tri. THAT would be more my speed. I just googled it though and am not pulling up much. Do you have any links?



HW/CW/GW- 350/208/170
Linn D.
on 9/7/08 8:44 am - Missoula, MT

I don't have any links for you, but you might also look up Super Sprint Triathlons.  They are even shorter than a sprint tri, and Zoe Zane on this board did a few of them before doing a full sprint tri.

I started running because I wanted to do tris, but never actually signed up for one until I was pressured into it by a friend at the gym after finishing a marathon.  The one thing that held me back was the swimming.  Most anyone can bike the distance, and if you need to walk instead of running, you can do that also.  The problem comes if you aren't able to swim the distance in the time allowed (if doing a pool swim) - they kick you out of the pool and you don't get an official finish time.

Sherry C always recommends getting some personal swim lessons.  I haven't yet, but will soon.  I want to do a half iron next spring, and my swim is still pretty slow.


Kate U.
on 9/9/08 4:09 am - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Hey Linn,

Thanks for the info. Sounds really interesting :-)

I used to swim on a swim team when I was younger so I'm sure after a few swim lessons it would come back to me- great idea.

I'm going to look into all this as an eventual goal. Very exciting!!!
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