Disney 1/2 Marathon Race Report

Kirsten :-)
on 9/3/08 5:47 am, edited 9/3/08 5:50 am - Agoura Hills, CA

This is my first ever race report.  It's not the first race I've done, but I always seem to get caught up in life and never find the time to write about my experience.  I don't post a lot here, but I do lurk and love reading all your reports.  So...this time I promised myself I would find the time to write one. 

Up until the morning of the race, I wasn’t sure if I would even participate as I have had a very difficult recovery from my Lower Body Lift in May.  I had done one 8 mile run and one 10 mile run post op, but was unable to do most of my other runs due to pain and sweilling within the first mile.  I was so afraid of being pulled due to being so slow and getting the ever so expensive bus ride to the finish line.  After many talks with Kevin, including in the car driving to Disneyland, I decided to go ahead and give it a try.  I didn’t believe I could do it…and wasn’t happy about trying.


The morning of the Disneyland ½ Marathon started bright and early (ok..maybe dark and early) at 3:15 a.m.  We got our stuff together and were on the road at 4:00 sharp to head to Disneyland.  Parking was a breeze and we were at the start area with an hour to spare.  We met up with Helen and Monica who were running their first ever ½ marathon and hung out with them in our corral.  We were in the first corral of the second start wave.  The first wave went and we moved up to the start.  We didn’t even have time to stop walking when the countdown began and we were off.  My race plan was to try to stay ahead of the cutoff clock of 16 minute miles.  Due to my surgery I have regressed back to doing a 1/1 walk/run ratio and figured I could average 15-16 minute miles.  The first couple miles were soooooooo crowded and dangerous.  Within the first ¼ mile I got pushed on to one of those little reflector bumps in the middle of the road and slipped and twisted my ankle.  Thank God I wasn’t hurt…I have horrible ankles and am infamous for doing major damage to them and ending up in casts.  My ankle was sore, but nothing to keep me from going on.  Running through Disneyland and California Adventure was so crowded….had to stop dead in my tracks many times to avoid collisions with walkers and photo takers.  When will people learn to step to the side when they walk or stop??  I was pleasantly surprised when I got my 5k time through my text messages…..45:06.  14:30/mile pace.  I was under the cutoff. 


The second 5k was starting to get harder.  Did I go out too fast?  I took a quick potty break around mile 4 and was feeling tired and achy.  I know we are never supposed to try anything new during a race, but I had hammer gel with me and tried it at mile 5.  I knew I needed something or I wouldn’t finish.  I had just heard from Kevin and he was behind me and told me to keep running and he was going to try to catch me.  Wow!!!  That hammer gel worked great!  I quickly regained my composure and got my next text message.    10k split….1:29:33  Overall pace 14:24.  I was getting faster!


The third 5k is a long boring run through the streets of Anaheim, around the Honda Center and Angel Stadium.  I was bummed to find out that we were not going to run the bases of the stadium as we had done last year.  During this 5k, I found a zone I had never found before.  Beep went my watch….run Kirsten.  Beep went my watch…walk Kirsten.  It was like I was a robot on auto pilot.  Mile 7…Mile 8…Mile 9….they were coming up on me so fast I couldn’t believe it.  Beep…run….beep walk.  I was hurting so bad….how was I doing this?  Kevin was also getting my splits by text message.  He texted me saying he couldn’t catch up because I was running too fast…just to keep going!  At one point I was hurting so bad I almost just sat on the curb and waited for him, but I was afraid if I sat down I wouldn’t be able to get up when he got to me.  Got my next text message….15k…2:11:49…overall pace of 14:08.  How was I getting faster when I was hurting so bad?  I was truly amazed!


Hit mile 10 and the sun was starting to come out and it was warming up.  It had been a nice overcast morning, which was wonderful compared to last year when it was over 100 degrees.  It was more of the same.  Beep…run.  Beep…walk.  I was still in a zone and kept getting faster.  Each mile was coming upon me and left me wondering how I got there.  I hit downtown Disney and saw the crowds and just kept running to the finish.  Official finish time…..3:02:40  Average mile pace…13:55!  Only 5 minutes off of my ½ Marathon PR of 2:57:04! 


Ok…here’s where I have to suck it up and admit it!  Kevin…yes dear….You were right!   You’re always right!!!!…that’s why I keep you around!  LOL

Here's the link to the official pics...

http://www.asiorders.com/view_user_event.asp?EVENTID=31324&B IB=5213&LNSEARCH=1

on 9/3/08 8:21 am - Los Angeles, CA


I loved reading your race report and looking at the pictures.  You did extremely well despite of injuries and road hazards.


Without struggle, there is no progress.

Elisa K.
on 9/3/08 9:03 am - Lumberton, NJ
Great job Kirsten!!    Thank you so much for posting your report - I love reading everyone's adventures!!
Linn D.
on 9/3/08 9:56 am - Missoula, MT
Nice Job Kirsten!

When will we ever learn not to doubt those who love us!  Sounds like you had a great race.

Thanks for posting a race report this time!  The pics were fun to look at also.

on 9/4/08 12:21 am
Kristin, loved your report.  Thanks for sharing your experience.  Makes me want to go run and I wasn't planning on doing so today.  lol

RNY: 11/19/07


LW: 140 (January 09)

CW: 180

GW: 155-160

Rob S.
on 9/4/08 5:02 am - DE
Great report.  Glad things worked out with your ankles.
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