Do you love exercising???

on 8/28/08 5:08 am - TX
I know I need to start exercising.Thus far I have lost 110lbs without any exercise but I knew the time was going to come that I have to. I just want to know how on earth do I get to like it. After about 2 minutes I am as bored as hell. Did you start out hating it  too and then eventually get to like it. Or are there those people that just straight away love it. I have joined the gym now.But have yet to go.I just don't like getting sweaty. Advice please!!!
on 8/28/08 5:54 am, edited 8/28/08 5:55 am - Los Angeles, CA

I think you need to find what you like to do, first of all.  Try different stuff: swimming, running/jogging, walking, kickboxing, cycling (indoors or outdoors), in-line skating, aerobics, the treadmill, hiking.  The possibilities are just about endless.  Try to see what you like by trying different things.   I don't like exercise all of the time, but I want to keep my body looking the way it is, keep up my cardiovascular health and lose as much weight before I seriously consider plastic surgery next year.   Also, I am proud of what I can and have accommplished since wls. Trying on clothes is an added bonus; I wear a size medium or 8's.  I want to keep that.  When I try on clothes, I tell myself that I deserve to wear the size that I wearing because I am active 4 days a week.  I wish you luck.


Without struggle, there is no progress.

Elisa K.
on 8/28/08 6:05 am - Lumberton, NJ
I agree with Kim - you need to find something you like to do, then do it!!  I personally do not like the gym too much.  I take 2 dance classes (tap and jazz) a week, yoga when I can, and I recently started running (who would have thought?!?).  Also remember - you are down 110 lbs - exercising will be a whole different experience than it was before.

Give it a try - once you start to see results, you will be hooked - I was!

Good luck!!
on 8/28/08 7:33 am - Barboursville, WV
Kim and Elisa both have given you great advise.

I am now some one I use to make fun of. You know, some old guy, "50" , running up and down the streets. The thing is that I want to stay the size I am now, so bad, that I will do whatever it takes to stay this way. I started off wearing a size 54 pants, I have been wearing a size 32 for about 8 months.

At my heaviest it was all I could do to walk around the block, if I did, I would have been drenched with sweat. Sunday before last I ran 11 miles in 1:45 and however many seconds. Some where along the way I learned to love running. Mind you my knees are still attached to a 50 year old body and I am in no way a speed demon, but I look forward to my runs. I like the fact that my resting heart rate is in the 50's. My blood pressure is 108/70 something. I no longer have sleep apnea, gerd or any other of the health problems I had.

The last time I saw my surgeon he told me I was in better shape than he is. I am probably in better shape than any other point in my life. The one thing I know is that I never want to go back to 375+ lbs. If I have to excercise every day for the rest of my life, thats ok with me. It is a small price to pay to be healthy and happy. I have friends that don't believe me when I tell them about running, I tell them to put on thier running shoes and go for a run with me. So far I have no takers. 

Sorry, starting to ramble. I read the other day that WLS patients that make exercise a part of their life are more sucessful at maintaining their weight than those who don't.

pan head
on 8/30/08 6:13 am
VSG on 02/16/07 with
AMEN to that!  Who would have thought we'd be in the best shape of our lives after 40?  It feels amazing, and it's also kind of ironic.  I'm getting ready for my 25th HS reunion next summer and one of the organizers had a small local gathering.  Without exception everyone was heavier than they were in high school except me.  And very few of them looked like they did any sort of exercise.  It feels good to be getting better over time instead of what it was before, worse with each passing year.  It's hard to get in to exercising but once you do you wonder why you waited so long.  It can really be quite addictive!
At or below goal since 5/08....without mal-absorption!
on 8/28/08 8:44 am - Cosby, TN
Ditto everything said above.  My thing is that i started working out 2 months after my surgery and I am so happy I did.  I found that I really enjoy it and look forward to going.  I also found out that I love running, I am 54 and I never thought that I would be a runner.  I have done 3 5k's and am looking to do a 10K either in Sept or Oct.  I think you need to find what appeals to you, but don;t expect to see big changes right away it does take a little work.



on 8/28/08 9:51 am
I don't think I will ever enjoy it, but it has become habit.  This morning for example, when the alarm went off at 5 a.m. I tried to talk myself into resetting it for 7:00, I sure would have liked 2 more hours sleep.  But I knew I needed it, I knew that my weight would continue to drop off if I exercised, and I like the results I have seen so far.  So while I don't love exercise, I do like the results I am seeing, and it has become part of my daily life. 

The other thing I do is try to set goals for myself to keep motivated.  If I was just doing it to do it, I probably would be less likely to stay motivated.  I set goals for myself lik run 5 miles, run 10 miles, run a triathlon, ride a century ride, things like that will help keep me motivated.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 8/28/08 11:51 am - Long Island, NY
I don't have much to add to the great advice you already received.  I would add that while I might not always love the way I feel when I'm working out (it's hard!) I love the way I feel when it is done.  I try to remember that feeling when I am tempted to blow off a workout.  I also love the fact that I can exercise the way I do now.  It is a great joy to be able to move easily!

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 8/28/08 12:11 pm - MI
I can best answer that question by talking about a 30 minute treadmill run.

1-5 min. = wanting to quit, feeling tight, talking myself into doing a lighter workout today

5-10 min. = hey, I might be able to break my mile time lets pu****

10-20  min = nice and warm, just keep it up

20-25 min= push a little harder than the day before at this point

25-28 min= i might run farther in 30 minutes than i ever had

28-30 min = Only two minutes to go, i can do anything for two minutes, lets run faster than i did yesterday

Finished = panting from almost sprinting the last minute, excitement because I won, not a medal or a trophy, but I won the battle today over everything and everybody who said I could not do it.
on 8/28/08 11:41 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Hi chunkymunky.   Humans are creatures of habit and as much as you may dislike training now,  give yourself 20 days and it will become second nature.   After the 20 days your brain will be 'trained' to expect working out as part of your daily routine and not participating in that event will feel out of the ordinary. 

To answer your question of do I love exercising?   Heh heh.   At first, no, probably not.   Now, I live for it.  I think intially everyone, especially those that were overweight, probably had a aversion to moving around more.  Now, it's about the rhythic sound my feet make as they hit the pavement when I run...  the sand between my toes on the way out for a swim...  the wind that howls in my face as I scream down a hill on my bike...  it's about the pain, the exhaustion & the mental and physical fatigue...  it's about the 'high' that I experience when I cross finish lines...  it's about the journey and most of all, knowing that you are ALIVE!  :) 

Best of luck on YOUR journey!


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