Bitterroot Tri Race Report

Linn D.
on 8/24/08 1:27 am, edited 8/24/08 4:38 am - Missoula, MT
Hope you find this entertaining!

Bitterroot Classis Triathlon
750 yd swim, 20k bike 5k run  

I must say that I was really looking forward to this one! I thought I was pretty well trained, got a new road bike with clipless pedals, and was in a good frame of mind. I had orientation all day Friday and then worked, so by the time I got home I was pretty tired. I decided I wouldn’t go to the am meeting since I didn’t swim until 11:05. Besides, I didn’t have the bike rack on the truck yet or any of my things together.   I did manage to get out of bed around 6 am, feed all the animals, drink a couple cups of coffee, and start getting ready. I haven’t racked a bike in years, so that was an adventure, but I handled it just fine. Got my bag of gear together so I’d have towel, both pairs of shoes, and my goggles. Got a little something in my belly and I was off at about 8.  

Drove the 45 miles to the race (forgot about road construction) but made it there a little after 9. Plenty of time to get everything together. I get the bike off the rack, grab my bag and head off to the pool. Just when I get there and see the transition area it occurs to me: I DON’T HAVE MY BIKE HELMET! Did you notice I didn’t mention that before? I go ahead and get my number and get marked and ask around for a good place to buy one. My heart is racing pretty good at this point because I just drove 45 miles and had already paid $55 to do this race. Someone tells me of a sporting goods store, so I go there and lo and behold, they no longer carry bike equipment. They send me to K-Mart where they only have kids helmets. I stop into Walgreens just in case, but they didn’t have any either. This nice fella tells me about a bike shop in town and where it is. I get there, and they’re still closed. They don’t open until 10 – which by this time, is only 15 minutes away. I’m starting to get awfully nervous and wondering if I’ll even get to start! I noticed another shop that had ‘Sportsman’ on the sign, but it wasn’t really a sports shop. So I make my way back to the bike shop (thankfully, this is a small town). They weren’t open yet, but they saw me outside and let me in. I told them I was in desperate need of a helmet for the tri, have a small head, and like girly things. They have to move some bikes to get to the helmets, but he finds this pink and gray one, which I immediately take a liking to and purchase, thankful to have a good helmet that I like.  

I make it back to the pool at about 10. Still plenty of time. I take my helmet to join the rest of my race gear and start pulling out everything I need, but wasn’t yet allowed to rack my bike (not many racks and a small area). I go to put my number on my little SkirtSports skirt for the run and realize, yes, I left the race packet in the truck. Back to the truck I go to get my number. Did I tell you I also lost a set of keys? Couldn’t find them after I picked up my race packet. I did have an extra set, though.  

So by the time I get back to the truck and get my number, we were allowed to rack our bikes and put everything together. I can finally almost breathe! I ran into some folks I know but haven’t seen in a while and visit for a bit. I also see some of the gals from my gym and visit with them. One had finished already, one just did her swim for her team, and one was in a couple heats after mine.  

Time to check in for the swim and get ready to go. I’m the first of the 3 of us to go, which is unfortunate, because I’m sure I’ll get passed. We get started, and I hear someone cheering for me! I gotta tell you, it was pretty cool. My husband doesn’t cheer. Of course if he’d been here, I wouldn’t have forgotten my helmet! Anyway, I keep swimming and get passed now and again, but when I have 3 laps to go, I have the lane to myself. I get done and say, “Am I done? Can I get out of here now?” They giggle at me and say yep, you’re done! So I get out and off to T1. 

One of my friends yells at me on the way to T1, and I holler, “I didn’t get kicked out of the pool!” I get ready and get on the bike thinking, I’ve never been so happy to get on a bike! The route was very pretty, but although it doesn’t LOOK like you’re going uphill, you certainly are. Not much to say about it, but I was happy to have my new helmet and be biking in a tri! I passed about 5 or 6 people on the bike (which I like) and get back to the transition area.

I take off my bike shoes and realize my socks are still wet! I was a little surprised, but on with the running shoes. I didn’t get around to getting the elastic ones, so a couple tries tying the shoes before getting it right and I’m off and running. You never realize how nice it is to put on the running shoes until you’ve been on the bike. I thought, “boy, these feel cushy!” My legs are still like lead, but off I go. I wish I could tell how fast I’m going when I get started, because I sure feel slow. After about half a mile, I start getting into my groove. The run was a jog through a neighborhood and 2 laps around a school, but also very nice. There was a shaded creek area we went through where I saw a bunch of ducks, which was also nice to run in since it was after noon and warm. Start picking up the pace a little around the start of the second lap, and the spectators were all cheering for everyone. Very nice as well. I’m not sure how many people I passed who were actually in my heat, but I did pass several. I know one guy was from the heat before me. 

On the home stretch, on of the guys I passed picks up the pace and I said to him, “you’re gonna make me run, aren’t you?” So I finished fast and strong. I was done!
  This was the most fun I’ve had at a tri yet, and part of it is that I’m getting a little better. 

My splits were:
Swim: 20:07; Bike: 44:35 (including T1); Run: 29:10 (including T2); for an overall time of 1:33:52.  

I’m pretty happy with my time. I thought I could do it close to an hour and a half, and I did. It’ll only get better from here.   I did find out that the person I need to give me swim lessons is in charge of the master’s swim program at the University. I’ll look her up in the next week or so.   Thanks for reading my ramblings, and I hope it was entertaining. I really enjoyed this race!   


P.S. I think I need a manager
Judi J.
on 8/24/08 3:44 am - MN
I really enjoyed reading this Linn, so glad you had fun, finished the swim, and completed close to your goal!

you don't need a manager, you need a checklist! lol

thank goodness you found a helmet, what a nightmare!

so are you doing another tri this year or just going to train for next spring?


Linn D.
on 8/24/08 4:10 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks Judi!

No more tris this year, but planning on a half iron next June and maybe a sprint or two before.  I have a marathon planned for January as well.

The problem with me (one of many) is that I either forget to put something ON the checklist or I lose it.  Of course, I doubt I'll ever forget the helmet again!  It's tough being an airhead.

on 8/24/08 6:46 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Most entertaining and insightful.
Perhaps the best time to make your list is right after you get home from this one.
Impressive time and in getting so dang close to your personal goal.  Really nice job.
Almost makes a tri sound fun,...but I ain't no swimmer so,.. I'll just read about you, Chad 464, and AJP.  I guess Rob is teething on this tri-stuff too.  I have friend here  locally that is training for tris and over the last year, he has really changed his physique.  He told me Saturday as our joggings crossed intersections he was doing 800 m swims, 25 mi bike rides an 8 mile jogs to get ready for some upcoming tri he is doing.  I can only be impressed.  You guys are tough.

Thanks for posting your report and the entertaining stuff that makes these expereinces all the more fun and real.

Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Linn D.
on 8/24/08 11:08 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks Joe!

By the way, there's an older lady at the gym I go to who has a daughter-in-law who does tris and always tells me what a great figure she has - as if I look so awful.  All I can say is, "Well, this is about as good as it gets for me."  I seriously doubt my physique will change training for more triis.  Oh well, gotta take what you're given...

I'd like to do an olympic length before I do the half iron, but I may be out of luck.  I'm not sure how far I'll be able to travel in order to do one with school in full swing.  If I had known my folks weren't going to the wedding the same day as the local olympic length, chances are pretty good that I'd have trained a little harder (at least the swim part).  Don't think I really have the time now since it's only 2 weeks away and the distances are all twice as far.

Elisa K.
on 8/24/08 7:23 am - Lumberton, NJ
Considering all the distractions and stress you had early, sounds like you had an awesome race!!  Great job!!  I must say, reading your tri reports (and all the others) has really inspired me!  I think I may start biking next spring.  I have to think about the swimming part - LOL!  

Thanks for the awesome reports - keep them coming!!   
Linn D.
on 8/24/08 11:14 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks a lot, Elisa!

I added all that because it is as real a part of the race as the race itself.  Besides that, you get a lot better picture of the true me - faults and all.  I didn't even worry about the keys until the race was over, and then I found them underneath my bag, of all places, when I was picking it up to take back to the truck!

You just never know...

Rob S.
on 8/24/08 10:48 am - DE
Great job.  Don't feel bad about the helmet.  I forgot my helmet at one event one week, and the next week I forgot my shoes.  The helmet I was able to scrounge around and borrow, but the shoes I just had to go home and wish for another ride.  I now have a list I use whenever I do bike events.  I also carry all four of my helmets and assorted tubes and other stuff in case anyone is as forgetful as I am.

Keep rambling and we will keep reading and throwing you some suuport.
Linn D.
on 8/24/08 11:23 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks a bunch Rob!

It's nice to know I'm in good company.  I'm really not used to having to take care of everything myself.  My husband is really good at the detail stuff and does an awfully good job of taking care of me when it comes to these kinds of things.  People who've known me for a while know how I work, and are never surprised and usually amused when this happens.  Besides, I know how I work too, and I rarely get too upset.  All you can do at that point is adjust to the current status quo.

on 8/24/08 4:40 pm
Congrats Linn,

I love reading the race reports, and I just want to say again how inspiring it is to read your accomplishments.

Thank you for sharing.


The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

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