I've Been Lurking For Months....Finally Posting For 1st Time On E & F Board...Tri Question

on 8/20/08 2:18 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Hey Everyone,

     I am 7 months post op (RNY)... 400 LBS Jan 14th, 2008... 235 LBS today. I weight train 4 days a week on a split program, however I am also training for my first triathlon in 2 weeks and have a few questions....
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1. I don't have a fancy $1,500 street bike, but I do have a good mountain bike that isn't too heavy that I keep a 15-16 miles p/ hr pace (On a flat course that is). Do I have to have a street bike to race? Will I look like Farmer John if I show up with my big 'ol rig?

2. I have been doing most of my swimming in a lap pool, just curious to know HOW difficult / different it is swimming in open water. Also, be honest and tell me how challenging it is to run to the water and start swimming with 100 other bodies RIGHT on top of each other? Do you get banged up pretty good with kicks & elbows and whatever?

3. I am fortunate to not have a ton of loose skin, however I have some on my gut that slap[s around a little when I get a good pace going. I usually wear a compression shirt when I work out in the pool, running, and on the bike....Is that ok to do in Tri? Aside from that, I would rather cover up the gut to save people the eye sore of having to look at lose skin that resembles chewed bubble gum.

4. The tri is a sprint and here is what I am doing as far as times... Let me know if these are pathetic or will be ok for my 1st outing...

500M Swim in 18 minutes

15 Mile Ride in 52 minutes

5K run in 27 minutes

I finished this routine on Saturday in exactly 103 minutes give or take a few seconds.

I know I will not be very competitive at this point, I just want to finish in any place but last, but "Finishing" being the key word.  I enjoy reading the posts here and am excited to hear some feedback. Thanks guys from Texas!

on 8/20/08 7:05 pm - Dacula, GA
1. Lots of people in sprints are on hybrids or mtn bikes. GET SMOOTH TIRES FOR YOUR BIKE!!!! You'll be faster!

2. Get a few practices in open water. It is a lot different. First, you can't touch bottom. Second, you have to sight bouys to stay on course. Third you WILL get banged around. The key is staying CALM! Start on the outside line in the back. I'm most aggressive and get most beat up in a sprint.

3. Yes. You wear the SAME OUTFIT through the whole event. Why would anyone want to put on a tri top in T1? You ever tri to put on tight clothes while wet? Many people will swim without a shirt. It's time wasted.

4. Your swim is slower than average, but the swim is most people's weakest sport. It's legal in a tri to draft on the swim. If you can find someone slightly faster than you, you can swim off the end of their feet and get "sucked" along. My advice to everyone is get PRIVATE lessons. You don't need many, just a few spread out to learn proper technique.
Your bike and run are normal.
Judi J.
on 8/21/08 12:04 am - MN
what Sherry said! LOL

I've only done 2 sprints and not well (i'm a bad runner) but the open water swim is VERY different.

a. you aren't pushing off a pool at the end of each length
b. i panic for some reason
c. it is hard to go in a straight line and you wind up covering too much ground

i would definitely do some practices in the open water. like Sherry said, let the maniacs go and then you can pass them.

Last sprint I was so freaked out and panicked I wound up doing the side stroke for awhile just to breathe and go straight

road tires will make a HUGE difference if you can afford them. I've seen all types of bikes in the 2 races I've done but as slow as I can be, I usually pass everyone with mountain bike tires

most of all, have fun and good luck!

(best tip I got from Zoe Zane: bring a bucket to sit on at T1, way easier to get your shoes on than sitting on the ground or hopping)

Linn D.
on 8/21/08 2:54 am - Missoula, MT
Hey Dan,

I don't have much to add, but my new road bike was 'only' $600, so if after this one you think you might want to do more of them, it's not hard to find a decent bike for not too much money.  I did my first tri on a mtn bike and rode with running shoes.  Not the best, but it's what I had.  I prefer to ride with bike shoes because I have better form.

I've done one in a pool, and one open water.  I'm much faster in the pool, and I also had a little bout with panic during the open water swim (the water was only 60 degrees) and did a lot of side stroking.   I don't side stroke at all in a pool.

I'm with Sherry about wearing the same outfit throughout.  I didn't for the first 2 and it was a mess getting a shirt on (had to step into it).  Also a race belt of some sort that you can attach your number to and just pull on when it's time for the run is a good idea.  I didn't have one for my 2nd which is why I put a shirt on after the swim.  Not doing it this time.

I'm also a slower swimmer, and for the open water swim I did exactly what Sherry said: stayed to the back and outside to keep from getting beat up.  It worked. 

Try not to be intimidated by the 'elites' who are fast and know what they're doing.  They can be a little hard on newbies, but if it's open water, you probably won't even see them.  Just set up your transition the way everyone else is doing it (especially racking your bike) and you'll be fine.


on 8/21/08 4:01 am - Baton Rouge, LA

 At least SOMEONE gets to race this weekend.  My race, in Destin, Florida is in limbo right now pending the stupid storm swirling on the east coast of Florida.

Everyone else summed up everything up pretty well.   

There is NO comparison from the pool to open water swimming other than you are swimming in a liquid substance.   If you can get out to an open body of water and practice before the race starts to get a feel for it than do that.   If not then prepare yourself to do a good bit of breaststroke and sidestroke on the swim course.  For some reason in my first couple races when they blew the starting horn I forgot how to swim.  :)

I wear compression gear for all my training and races.   I swim in my compression shirt and shorts and just slip on my bike shorts for the bike then when I get to T2 I put on my Team 464 race jersey. 

There will be people at the race of all fitness levels and experience and I promise you won't finish last.  Race to beat the course and you'll do great!

The most important thing you can do is have a good time because in the end that's what it's about.  

Best of luck!



Chris Zane
on 8/22/08 3:59 am
I think that your times seem reasonable.  I've done 5 sprints and super-sprints and there is a large variation in people's abilities and times. 

Stay near the back of the pack in the swim and be sure to look up every 8-10 strokes to make sure you are on the right track - I tend to get way off sometimes.  Also, someone suggested putting your goggles on first and then your swim cap over them so in case someone kick****s you, they don't totally fall off and get lost.  If you aren't used to swimming in open water, it will be different.  The water is murky and usually tastes terrible.  Also, there might be seaweed/plants to get through.  Some people do panic, so be aware of that.  If it happens, just turn over and back stroke or even just tread water for a minute if needed.

Also, there are tons of different bikes out there.  I see elite bikes to Schwin garage bikes.  Your speed is reasonable, so don't worry about that.

I'm sure you will have a blast - they are really fun and I love the accomplishment I feel when I finish.
on 8/22/08 5:09 am - Dacula, GA
I think I forgot to add something.

It's LEGAL in a triathlon to hold onto bouys, boats, surfboards, kayaks, etc.


AKA...stop and rest to catch your breath if needed. The swim is the smallest part distance and time-wise in a triathlon, so 3 extra minutes in the water might actually help you on the bike and run. You don't want to go anaerobic with panic!
on 8/22/08 8:15 am - Fort Worth, TX
I needed to correct my swim time. The 18 minutes was for 800Meter, not 500....Typo
on 8/22/08 10:32 am - Dacula, GA
Oh. well...errrrrrr.that's a HUGE difference then. You'll be FINE!
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