How do you determine how many calories to consume while exercising?

on 8/17/08 12:13 pm - Hollywood, FL
If I properly fuel before working out with trainer I do really well. But I was wondering how many calories should I allow for, I am still losing, but it seems to have slowed down dramatically. Can't all be muscle. Could carbs slow it down? Yes I get my protein in first.

Also, my trainer thinks my weightloss goal will make me too skinny. I am 5'5 and was thinking 145 pounds.I am currently 184.  My doctor hasn't really said, I'm going to ask him of couse too. Just wanted some oppinions.


Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

Linn D.
on 8/17/08 1:46 pm - Missoula, MT
I'm not going to be of much help in the weight loss issues since I'm so far removed, but I'll tell you that I'm 42, 5'5", and weigh 155.  I'm far from too skinny.  I am seriously thinking about working on those last 10# but it's not really a priority right now.  145, as you know, is on the upper end of a normal BMI.

As far as carbs go, they are necessary as fuel for workouts.  They are also necessary post-workout for recovery with some protein.  Get your protein in, but don't make it the priority around workouts.  You'll restore glycogen better and it will take much longer to 'hit the wall.'

If you look at most weight loss profiles, they generally go fast in the beginning and then taper off and go slower.  My guess is that your weight loss is normal.  Mine followed that same profile.

My best advice at this point would be to worry less about the weight loss and more about your workouts.  The weight will come off if you continue working with your trainer, and you'll be ensuring you get the health benefits associated with exercise.

on 8/18/08 4:16 am - Hollywood, FL
Thanks Linn,
It helps to hear from someone who is also choosing to be active. I have to stop focusing on the scale, but it's so hard (head games). 

I'll have to look at those carbs closer (I definately can't do pastas, bread or rice with my Band = stuck episodes).

When did you notice your loss slowing down. I am working out like a maniac, or at least I think so.

Thanks again,

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 8/18/08 3:00 am - Aberdeen, NJ
 I am 42 like Linn and 5'5'' I had sugery 11/15/07 and I am now at 146 lbs
I am not skinny i can tell you that... lol
My sugeons goal for me is 140 but I actually think i could even go a bit smaller 135 possibly 130... But I think body type plays apart too.

Focus on you workouts and less on the weight loss cause i promise its going to come off.
watch the type of food you are eating too, carbs to protien..etc.....

I stopped going on the scale so often too I just know the weight is going to come off cause I am doing all the right things.

My DH told me that if i begin to look unhealthy he will be the 1st to tell me to stop losing.

I still have my tummy though... Urrrggggggggggggg 

on 8/18/08 4:33 am - Hollywood, FL
Hi Lois!
You and Linn both look GREAT!  Yeah, I definately want to look healthy. Are you currently training for any events?

I guess I'll find out soon what my REAL Body Type is, huh? I want healthy curves and defined tone. We'll see.

I know, I get soooo caught up in the numbers game. But when you've done it all your life, it's a hard habit to break.

Thanks for your support,

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 8/18/08 5:31 am - Aberdeen, NJ

Thank so much the pictures that I have up are not recent
they were taken a few months ago.
I think I weighed 178 in those...  WOW its
always amazes me to think I already am at 146...
YOU will ge there!!!!

What I meant to say was body structure (bone structure).
Sorry to confuse you.

we all get caught up in the numbers game but I can tell you it drove me
nuts and still does at times.

I am running 4 to 6 miles 5 to 6 days a week.
I just started back to the gym I took sometime off this summer (not smart)
I wanted to focus fully on running BUT it really is so important to do
the weigh training too. It helps you metabolizm.

I ran my 1st 5K in April and came in 5th place for my age group!
Not bad for the one time fat girl who had NEVER done that in her life!

My next event I think is going to be Oct. there is a 5K for the fight against Breast

So we shall see... All I know is I love to run and it is addicting.
I started out slow walking/running and I still do that as part of my training
to improve me speed.

Anything I can do to encourage you and others please know I am here for you.

Best of Luck to you!!!!


on 8/18/08 5:53 am - Hollywood, FL
I might be doing the 5k for Breast Cancer too in Oct. in Orlando. But there is another race a 10k in Orlando "Race for the Taste" in epcot the following weekend. I haven't decided yet., I live in S. Fla. and Orlando is a 3 hour car ride!  Plus I begin taking a dreaded math class on Saturdays, beginning this Sat.

Oh, I'm a walker.

Where will you be doing your 5K at?

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 8/18/08 6:14 am - Aberdeen, NJ
 GREAT ADVENTURE in Jackson New Jersey.
I haven't signed yet I just found out about it today
and want to see if my hubby want to run it with me.

Hey walking is GREAT!!!!!!


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