Is this "hitting the wall"?

on 8/17/08 11:52 am - Hollywood, FL
OMG! Yesterday I went on a 7 mile walk. I wanted to go further, originally I had planned to go further, then I "hit the wall"! I couldn't get focused, stretched a few times to see if maybe I could re-energize my legs (thought it was a fatigue thing). I had to walk back home and I was a long way off!What an awful feeling!

Sooooo, today, I had hubby park his car at the grocery store, so when we finished we could get a few things. We even measured out our walk. I picked a straight shot road (thinking it would be easy to calculate our distance.)

All of  SUDDEN I felt over whelmed! I thought I would begin bawling right then! My DH looked at me a bit worried. I told him, "I can't do it" "I can't go on, I think I'm hitting a wall right now". So Bob suggested we take a more scenic walk (we were on a road that was just straight ahead, , like white line fever). So we began going the scenic route. It was o.k., but, I couldn't get past it, I thought maybe I needed my ipod. I usually walk with it, but when Bob is with me, he doesn't like me to use it. It can make my walk that much harder! Or was it because I didn't have my normal Protein shake before heading out the door? I felt fatigued too!  I don't know, I just felt suddenly over whelmed, almost dramatically depressed. It came from no where!

So we had to make our way back again. Got in the car and headed for Jamba Juice before heading out to the grocery store. It helped a little.

I want to do the 10 K at Disney, but I am worried about if this should happen? Maybe it would be different for that, I don't know. I've done long walks before and would sometimes have those moments, but when I pushed ahead I could move through it and get over it no problem.

Is this "hitting the wall"? Or is that not the correct term? And has this happened to anyone here? How do you get past it?

Thanks in advance,

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 8/17/08 12:56 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Hey Prek-3.   Sounds like you may have experienced it.  It could have been a combination of what you ate during / before exercise and the temperature / humidity.   

I have a detailed description of when I hit the wall at mile 18 while running the  Mardi Gras Marathon earlier this year.  

"This, my friends, around mile 18, is about the time I hit "the wall".

So what is "the wall?" you may ask.  The wall is that point in a marathon where the wave of fatigue you experience is SO strong that you feel like your body will literally melt onto the street.  Dizziness, disorientation, cramping, nausea, wobbly legs, knees locking up, muscles feeling like they will snap...  All symptoms of hitting the wall and I was experiencing each and every one mentioned above.  Each time my foot hit the pavement I felt a wave of pain shoot up my leg and travel the length of my body up to the top of my skull.  I wore a mp3 player with music for the entire race but during this period to the end of the race I can honestly say that I don't remember the music.  I know it was on but I was so out of it I didn't hear it.  When I hit mile 19 I saw BBQ again shouting and cheering for me. I swung by again to shake his hand and thank him for coming out to support me and I continued on my trek to the next aid station.  I was no longer on a trek to the finish.  I just wanted to make it to the next aid station and I would take it from there."

Taken from Chad Soileau's Mardi Gras Marathon Race report at

on 8/18/08 5:10 am - Hollywood, FL
Hi Chad,
Wow, I checked out your site, you are one busy man! I think thats GREAT! I hope to build up a list like yours some day soon!!!!!! What a great  inspiration you are. Dare I say, I heard the "Rocky" theme playing in your back ground? Damn!

I'll have to try focusing on some short goals as I go. It just took me by surprise that this happened at all. I thought it only happened to "real athletes", I don't consider myself one,yet,  but, I would LOVE to be! At least that is becoming my goal more and more.

Have you experienced "the wall" at every event, or not really?  How did you do on your first event? what did you focus on, finishing or beating a certain time?  Hope you don't mind all the questions.

Thanks again,
Good luck on your up coming event, (this Saturday yes?)

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 8/18/08 6:38 am - Baton Rouge, LA

I've hit the "wall" twice and both times were during races.   The first was during the Mardi Gras Marathon and the second was at one of my triathlons.  The Tri-America triathlon, which was just under a 1/2 Ironman race, that I ran earlier this year was a much more difficult endeavor than the marathon.  I was fighting with gastro-instesitnal problems on top of dehydration as well as being mentally and physically exhausted.  I finished that race LAST!  It was a humbling experience but it taught me a lot about myself.    (The race report for TriAmerica is at

I never race to compete but rather to complete.  For me, and many others, it's about beating the course.   I do find myself being more and more competitive as the races go by and my speed and experience increases but in all honestly, above all else, the main goal for me in every race is to cross the finish line.  Everything else is secondary.   If I have a great race then I have a great race.   If I have a poor race, well, it was still a race and to me that's a treat in itself.


on 8/17/08 10:58 pm - Barboursville, WV
Hi prek-3,

Sounds like the the first time you may have hit a wall, but the second time sounds more like an anxiety attack. I would definately mention it to your PCP and surgeon.

pan head
on 8/18/08 5:44 am - Hollywood, FL
Hey Panhead,
"anxiety attack",Geeez I hope not. I get that way when I go to the movies, can't sit there too long before my body begins to ache!

Definately will be bringing this up to my Dr.

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 8/18/08 12:29 am
Everyone is different.  When I hit the wall during my races, I had some pain and lots of fatigue but was overwhelming frustrated and paniced at the same time. I was crying and couldn't breathe.  I just had to concentrate on the next point - something I could see or aid station, a mile marker, a friend at the next corner, the light pole at the end of the street.  Anything, just so that my goals were shorter and my achievement was more immediate.  Once I started concentrating on those baby steps the panic subsided and I was able to continue.  For some reason, this happens to me in every race.  Sometimes is is later on, like mile 18 discussed above, but once it was at mile 10.  Now I know what to expect I can almost meditate and talk myself out of it while I continue the race. check out your nutrition, too.  Make sure you provide your body with what you need, even if that means a visit with a nutritionist.  No sense fighting what could be an easy fix.

RNY: 11/19/07


LW: 140 (January 09)

CW: 180

GW: 155-160

on 8/18/08 5:39 am - Hollywood, FL
Thanks so much for replying Texasmom!
I can't imagine it occuring every race. Is it ususually at your halfway mark, or no rhyme or reason?  Also, what do you typically eat. I have a Band, so I can not eat the Pasta type of carbs.
Like I said, I normally do have a protein drink prior, but I will be monitoring my food intake closer.

I will be trying your suggestion on "small goals", great tip! Makes sense!

A little OT; but how did you determine your weightloss goal?  I know everyone is different, but just wondering.

Thanks again,

Nov 10,2009 I reached GOALL BYE  BYE  130 POUNDS! It wasn't about the FOOD, it was about what was eating at YOU!  Time for a Head adjustment!    **July 2011 Plastic Surgery Lower Body Lift

        Exercise    is not a LUXURY!

        Exercise  is a  NECESSITY

on 8/18/08 5:55 am
It's really only the longer races. lol  A 5K i can manage,  :)

And no, not necessarily at halfway but whenever things don't feel right...when it hit me on mile 10 it was becuase I was hungry.  At mile 18 on another race because my knee was hurting.  Other times because I simply ran out of steam.  It happens to everyone as far as I know, we just all react to it I cry.  Not a good idea since it makes breathing even harder, but once I get it out of my system and give myself a little pep talk, I'm fine and you will be too.  I think it's just important that you not go around thinking your're not alone in this. 

I don't do pasta either.  And I don't tolerate fresh fruits and veggies very well so I use shakes, sometimes mixed with "light" or "diet" fruit juices and I like Pure Protein bars.  Otmeal mixed with protein powder sits well on my tummy, too.

As for as my weight loss goal, I read every thing I could get my hands on about healthy weights and BMIs for women my age and just sorta took the average.  Then, I discussed it with my surgeon and my PCP as a sort of reality check.  They both actually approved and said they felt it was a healthy goal. 

RNY: 11/19/07


LW: 140 (January 09)

CW: 180

GW: 155-160

Brian Meiers
on 8/18/08 12:23 pm - SF Bay Area, CA
RNY on 08/18/04 with

If you didn't "hit the wall", you definitely bumped along it for a while. 

In cycling, we call it "bonking" when, during a ride/race, we find ourselves in the state of excessive exhaustion, light headedness and our body's feel as if they are completely depleted of fuel.

I've had it happen a few times, even post op.  I've found that in avoiding "The Bonk", prevention is the best medicine.  Proper balanced nutrition, staying on top of the vitamins/minerals and hydration have helped keep the bonk away for me.  (knock on wood).

If you find yourself "mid bonk", the best thing to do is to "slow your roll- decrease your energy expenditure", get some nutrition into your body (in the easiest way possible w/o hitting up the simple sugars too much) and allow your body to come around.  Refresh, refuel and restart.   That should get you to your goal.

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