Weight Training/Body Building Question

on 8/14/08 3:55 am - Denver, CO
I was wondering if anyone does weight training or is into body building since their surgery?  I had a link to one web site where the woman actually became a professional body builder after having her gastric bypass!  Does anyone do this ~ or know of a site of someone that does??  Any help would be great.  Thanks!
"The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary."

Linn D.
on 8/15/08 12:22 am - Missoula, MT
Sorry I'm of no rel help, but it shouldn't make any difference if you've had surgery or not - the same rules apply.  You'll find that any of us who are athletes on this board balance the same nutritional issues any athlete does - proper fuel for workouts and supplements to remain healthy.

 I imagine if you went to something like a Gold's Gym where bodybuilding is common, you could find lots of people who could help you or find you a personal trainer to get you started.  I used to think about it when I was young since I'm very muscular, but not so much anymore. 

Good luck, and have fun!

on 8/16/08 5:31 am - Fort Worth, TX
Hey There,

    I am 7 months post-op, was 400 day of surgery, and am now 235. I lost so much weight so fast, I also lost most of my muscle mass and strength. After getting fed up with my weakness about 6 weeks ago I started lifting.  I have put on 8 pounds of lean muscle and do lift 4 days per week working all major muscle groups 1 time per week. I have increased my protien intake to about 150 Grams per day, I also supplement with creatine, glutamine, and Nitric oxide coupled with my daily vitamins (B12, calcium, and multi vit).

     The key to building solid muscle, as the previous reply states, is to have a high enough caloric intake to pack on muscle coupled with supplements. Calories = fuel, hence...no calories no fuel. I try to eat every 2-3 hours with foods that are high in protien (Lean meats) high in fiber(Grains & fruits & veggies), and complex carbs (Oatmeal, pasta, wheat bread). Also, I drink about 3 liters of water a day. Some of the supplements allow the muscle to retain water & oxygen at a hiogher rate, so it is very important to increase liquid intake. So the real question is, are you looking to gain weight via muscle mass, or simply tone. That will determine what workout regimen will suit what you are looking to accomplish. Aside from lifting, on wedensdays and saturdays, (My off days for lifting), I train for triathalon. I have my first sprint tri next month and I try to complete all 3 excercises in around 100 minutes. 3.1 mile run, 14 mile bike ride, and 1/2 mile swim (Appx 800 meters). I simply love working out and wish you all the best. If you would like some ideas on workout routines, let me know, I would be happy to help.

   I am certainly no authority on fitness, but I have done tons of homework on this, and have made pretty good strides. Best of luck my friend!


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