need advice for knee pain...

on 8/12/08 7:18 am
RNY on 08/07/07 with
Hi Everybody!  This last weekend I finally made it to the 10 mile mark.  My half marathon is in 19 days.  They run was good, I had some tightness in my glute & hip flexor on the left side towardsx the end but that is it...until the next day.  My right knee started bothering me.  The pain is mostly a dull ache and it is below my kneecap and down a little towards teh top of my tibia (shin bone).  It wasn't intense and didn't hurt constantly.  I laid off running Sat, Sun & Mon (but we were camping so I had to walk wherever I went (piers, bathroom, pavillion etc).  I felt good this morning 0 no pain so I thought I would run again.  I just went on a short run - just under 2 miles here in the 'hood - it is hilly but nothing big.  About .3 miles into the run the dull ache was back.  It hurt more by the end of the run and now I am having to ice it and I am limping on it.  I'm going to lay off running but for how long?  I can cross train  but what should I do?  I will add it more pilates to stretch & strenghthen surrounding muscles ( suggested this).

What else?  I do not want to miss this half mara - I've been training since May for it!




Linn D.
on 8/12/08 8:08 am - Missoula, MT

Biking is always a good cross training activity - especially for folks prone to knee problems.  I do spin classes at least twice a week.

One common problem is IT band tightening.  Some feel it in the knee, others in the hip.  Look online for some good stretches, and if you feel it doing those stretches, that's the most likely culprit.  Otherwise, it might be a good idea to see an orhtopedic surgeon who specializes in sports injuries.  An IT band injury won't keep you out of the race, and as long as you haven't injured the ligaments or tendons, you should still be fine with a little rest (3-5 days) and ice. 

on 8/12/08 8:27 am - Baton Rouge, LA

R.I.C.E. it as much as you can.   (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)

Ice really works wonders for me.   I keep no less than 4 ice packs ready to go in my freezer both at work and at home.   Any longish run or bike that I go on I immediately ice afterwards and it helps me tremendously.  

Best of luck with your 13.1!


on 8/12/08 10:08 am
RNY on 08/07/07 with

Thanks!  I didn't think of IT band, Linn.  My BFF CYn said patellar tendon so I did read up on that and I have a lot of the symptoms of it.  I look up IT band though. 

Chad, I am icing now nad have been most of the day.  The ice pack is held on with an ace wrap so I am using compression, and my butt is finally sittin gon the couch, wtching the Olympics and my leg is elevated...I guess I can be a lazy bum for a few days.

How long before I get out on my bike.  I have a great 8-9 mile loop stating out my front door!




on 8/13/08 12:44 am - Johnson City, TN
Hello Tara,
Is it hurting constantly even when not being active? Does it hurt more when you knee is flexed, when you are running up hill, going up stairs or squating down?

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 8/13/08 5:59 am
RNY on 08/07/07 with
not constant pain...iced it for 14 hrs yesterday - I was an olympic couch potato!!!  Hurts walking around, when flexed - especially when sitting - it puts pressure on that spot I guess.  runninguphill yeterday didn't really bother me - it was at the end of the run that the pain started.  Going up & down stairs hurts - haven't done squats today...

so - whatdaya think???

I am going in to see my physical therapist in the  morning and she what she chiropractor also specializes in sports injuries & rehab - she's an athlete herself - triatholons.



on 8/14/08 2:49 am, edited 8/14/08 2:49 am - Johnson City, TN
You may just have some inflamation (perhaps a result of overtraining or insufficient recovery) but a couple of the most common issues are Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner's Knee) and Iliotibial Band Syndrome.

Here are a couple of links:

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 8/14/08 7:49 am
RNY on 08/07/07 with
I'll look at these links in a bit but my PT thinks it is just some inflammation of the muscle that runs across the top of the shin bone...she said similar to shin splints but higher.  She doesn't think it is IT band b/c she said that tends to be more to the outside of the knee/tibia nd this is more directly on it.  I was pain free this morning but it is irritated again after all day of running to dr appts & aroudn the hospital to get to them...




on 8/14/08 8:10 am - Johnson City, TN
Sounds good....I hope it is just a little inflamation that will clear up with a bit of rest or lighter training. 

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 8/21/08 4:39 am
RNY on 08/07/07 with
Hi Jeremy - I've laid off running for a week now.  I've rested, iced, compressed, elevated...pain went away.  I went back to pilates classes to enhance my flexibility and try an strengthen quads & hamstrings more.  I ran for the first time yesterday - 2 miles.  I had that same pain on teh outside of my knee & upper tibia area.  It wasn't as intense but it was there from about 1/2 onward.  It was bearable the whole time I ran - never got to screaming knee pain.  Afterwards it hurt more - had to limp a little walkingup & down the incline of my driveway or goingup and down stairs.  I iced it all night and it felt pretty good t his morning.  i went to the gym and did a light workout in a class called "Forever YOung" with my mom.  It is a senior citizen class and my friend teaches it and it was my moms first time.  I could do lunges, squats, and high impact cardio with no problem (I pumped it up over what the seniors do so i coud get a decent workout).  Aftet that I went to the treadmill.  I had my knee band on.  I decided to test it out.  I walked 2 min, ran 2 min, walked, 2 min the did I-T band stretches I read about on Jeff Galloways website.  I did this for about 20-30 minutes until I got in 1.2miles.  Definitely noticed the twinges in my knee area.  Tell me what you think.  1/2 marathon is in 10 days.  I think I should lay off running completely til then - do strengthening & stretching with pilates and such till then and then just do it...I've trained since May for this and I am ready - excpet for the knee.....

still thinking I-t band????




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