20 miles...

on 8/11/08 3:31 am - Jackson, MS
Ok, experienced runners.  Saturday we did 20 miles in preparation for the Chicago marathon. I did 3 minutes running/2 minutes walking, and was fine for the first 16 miles or so.   Then the sun came up, the temp started rising (I figure it got to around 80), the course got slightly more hilly, and I didn't do so well after that.  I walked the rest of the way.   But I made it.

Here's my question:  I got slightly dizzy toward the end.  I have a fuel belt, and was drinking my Gatorade every 3 minutes (during my walking intervals).  In addition, I was popping two or three jelly beans every 30 minutes, plus snack-sized protein bars every hour or so.  Any suggestions as to what happened?  Do you all take anything more substantial to eat on a long run?  Peanut butter sandwich?  A small can of Vienna sausages?  A package of lunchables? Or do you think I got a little dehydrated?  I will definitely make sure I drink more during the week.  (Had a scrambled egg and a piece of toast for breakfast before we ran...)

Any suggestions are welcome.

Linn D.
on 8/11/08 6:24 am - Missoula, MT
Hey Marcia,

Great job completing your 20!  That's a toughie.

All I can think of is it's either fuel or hydration, but my first guess is fuel.  You're more likely to cramp up if it's dehydration.  I would definitely eat a higher carb breakfast before such a long run, but also eat a relatively high carb meal the night before.  Get those glycogen stores built up.  I almost always have toast at night just before bed when I'm doing a long run the next day.  

That's really all the help I can give you since I'm one of the few here who doesn't fuel during the long runs.  I really can't though, since I get so sick and I only take an occasional drink of water.  I do try to eat something pretty soon right after, but it has to be easy on me and it can't be protein.

Hope you figure out what works for you!

on 8/11/08 6:36 am - Jackson, MS
Thanks, Linn.  I suspected that was the problem.  I usually eat a higher carb breakfast on the mornings we do our long runs, but decided to experiment with a high-protein one instead.  Just goes to show you shouldn't try anything new on the days you do the long runs.  I'll eat spaghetti or something the night before as well.

My problem is I was diabetic before surgery, so the idea of eating carbs scares me.  Of course that's ridiculous - the running burns carbs before it uses anything else, and I'm not diabetic anymore. 

Scott William
on 8/12/08 12:12 am
Actually trying something new on a practice run is a great idea.  Now you know that didn't work.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 8/12/08 3:39 am - Jackson, MS
Well, yeah, I guess you're right.  Hadn't thought of it that way.

on 8/11/08 11:40 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Great job Marcia!  20 milers are never easy and I'm sure you were glad when it was over.  

Peanut butter is pretty much all I use now.   I've tried a lot of stuff and peanut butter is what does the trick for me.   I do drink lots of water and an occasional endurolyte tab just to keep me honest but thats about it. 

Best of luck and I hope you have more success with other stuff than I did.


on 8/11/08 1:06 pm - Salem, OR
Oh my gosh, that is so impressive that you made 20 miles!  Great job!  I agree with what the other posters said ... I just wanted to add that I saw some peanut butter packets at REI ... they are about the same size packet as Gu type of gels but they are just peanut butter!  So they would make a good portable option for you!  --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 8/12/08 3:38 am - Jackson, MS
I was very glad when it was over.  All I could think of was getting home, getting out of those sweaty clothes, and taking a shower!  I will definitely try the peanut butter; I can eat lots of that.  Deanna, what's REI?  I haven't seen packets of peanut butter.  You're right, that would be ideal.

on 8/12/08 7:10 am
RNY on 08/07/07 with
I'm jumping on the peanut butter bandwagon!  However - a slight differentiation...peanut butter pretzels.  I've been getting the Snyder brand - they are little round PB pretzel sandwiches and they have been good for me on my long runs...of course I only hit 10 miles this last weekend.




on 8/13/08 5:14 am - Jackson, MS
I'm familiar with the Snyder brand of peanut butter pretzels.  Good idea.  I'll look for them.  Thank you.

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