Hey Chad, Sherry, and AJ

Linn D.
on 8/6/08 3:11 pm - Missoula, MT
Hi Guys,

It would be nice every now and then if you'd post some of your workouts.  I have a good idea what I should be doing, but it would be nice to see some of your workouts.  I really want to be able to do Olympic and half irons next summer, and it would help me to see some of the distances you folks go.  No, I'm not going to jump right in where you are, but I'd like to see where I should be by the time races roll around.  I've looked around online some, but most of what I see is times, not distances.

Thanks a bunch!

on 8/7/08 12:47 am - MI

Great idea. I as well, have plans for doing a Half IronMan next year. I have no idea what a typical week of training should look like. I realize each persons workout schedule is different, but would be a great idea.

on 8/7/08 1:05 am
I'd vote for this too!

It would be great to see what I need to expect from myself in terms of working out.



The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 8/7/08 12:59 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

This is my schedule for this week.  My coach sends me my workout schedule every Sunday evening and it changes from week to week, usually increasing in time / distance over a couple months.   It goes in cycles where I reach a training peak then it backs off and builds to a higher peak.     I'm not racing again until the 24th so my weekends during this training cycle are long rides.  As you can see a lot of the training is based on heartrate which I initially had a difficult time adjusting to but after I did, I love it.  It lets me know what my limits are and gives me a better indication of if I am dragging ass or not. :)

Morning - Swim 1 hour or 2500m

Lunch - Treadmill Run at set speed with 1% incline
10 minute warmup at 5.5
6.5 minutes at 5.8
6.5 minutes at 6.1
6.5 minutes at 6.4
6.5 minutes at 6.7
6.5 minutes at 7
6.5 minutes at 7.3
6.5 minutes at 7.6

Evening - Weights (usually chest)

Ride 2 hours @ heartrate less than 115

Morning - Swim 1 hour or 2500m

Lunch -
85 minute run
25 minutes at 9:00 mile pace @ 135 heart rate
build to 8:20 mile pace and heart rate of 150 over next 45 minutes
15 minute cool down

Evening - Weights (usually shoulders, back and / or legs)


Tempo ride.
20 minutes @ heart rate less than 105
10 minutes at heart rate 105
10 minutes at heart rate 115
10 minutes at heart rate 125
10 minutes at heart rate 105
10 minutes at heart rate 115
10 minutes at heart rate 125
10 minutes at heart rate 105
10 minutes at heart rate 115
10 minutes at heart rate 125
15 minutes at heart rate less than 105

Morning - Swim 1 hour or 2500m

Lunch - 45 minute easy run at 9 minute mile pace

Evening - lift weights (usually arms)

3 hour ride of the New Orleans 70.3 Ironman course

Brick & Transition training
Ride 20 minutes, practice transition, run 15 minutes
3 rounds of this with a 5 minute break between each set

Linn D.
on 8/8/08 9:47 am - Missoula, MT

Thanks so much for your response, Chad.  Like I said, I'm not looking to copy anyone's workouts, just looking to see the mileage (and time) involved to see how much I think I'll be able to do with the running schedule (and full time school and part-time job) I'm keeping.  I'm going to sign up for the Boise half when it opens Sept 1 and I'd just like to finish respectably.

Thanks again,


(deactivated member)
on 8/7/08 11:33 pm - Island Heights, NJ
Ask 20 different people this question and you'll get 20 completely different answers.

Your mileage may vary.

First... holy crap... I'm exhausted just reading about Chad's workout!
And, I AM NOT saying any other way is right or wrong... But, it's obvious that I have a COMPLETELY different approach. I truly believe that that schedule would seriously burn me out on the sport, quickly.

I have applied a Zen approach to my training and do all I can to balance the whole "Triathlon" thing with my lifestyle. I'll never win anything, so my goals are to finish with a respectable and reasonable time, and fully embrace every minute of the journey.

I need to balance racing & training along with a 40Hr a week job, Freelance Work, my Wife, my 4-Year-Old Daughter, keeping up the house & the lawn, doing a lot of stuff for my widowed, ailing mother, etc, etc, etc....

With that in mind, here is an overview of a typical training week for me during this season (which consists of 6 main races - 4 Olympic & 2 Half-Irons)

Running: 15-20 Miles (split over 2-3 runs)
Biking: 100 Miles (split over 1-3 rides)
Swiming: 1 Pool Swim - 2000 Meters & 1 Open Water Swim - 1 Hour

Weight Training: 2 Sessions per week at 45-60 Minutes each (I NEVER, EVER do any leg work - no squats, no leg-lifts, nothing like that... no way, no how!)

Balance / Stretching / Core / Yoga : 2 Hours per week (split over 2-3 sessions)

I always take at least one full day a week off.
I always take at least 2 days off after an Olympic race.
I always take a week off after a Half-Iron.
I always (weather permitting) do a run right off the bike. Even if it's just a mile... It let's your body know that after it bikes, it runs.
I always get a good brick workout once a week.

I do not do heart-rate training and have no plans to...
I'm embracing an organic approach to this. It may not result in the fastest time, but it keeps interested and wanting to come back for more.

Once this season is over, I will take a full month off from training... I'll still exercise to maintain fitness, just not real training.

Come November, I'll start the long, slow build toward IronMan Coeur d'Alene.

Of course, my Full Iron training will be more than what is listed above (how much more is yet to be determined)

So, there it is.
Once again, this is not a knock on anyones methods... just what works for me.

Be Well
Good luck with all of your training
Linn D.
on 8/8/08 9:58 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks AJ.

I do realize there are many different approaches and I also have a busy life.  Although my husband works out of town, I'm starting pharmacy school in the fall and have a part-time job so I was interested in seeing what approaches people use and the mileages they do.  I'm already doing 25 miles a week running and starting a marathon plan soon, but I thought it was important to see the swim and bike mileages some of you do.  I still don't have a bike of my own yet so I'm relying on spin classes for now (fine for sprint tris) and do pool swims 2-3 times/week for a total of 2500-3000 yds.

I can't believe you're coming all the way over to my neck of the woods to do an IronMan!  I may just have to go watch if I can get the time.  There's a half Iron in Boise next June that I'm going to register for when it opens Sept 1, so it was important to me to get a better idea.

Thanks again for your input.  I appreciate it more than you know.

on 8/8/08 8:15 pm - Dacula, GA
Hey-school started back this week so I've been absent. I'll post some examples later.

All of my training IS based on time, not milage.

EX: I'm headed out to do a 4.5 hour ride followed by a brick. Brick was supposed to be 40 minutes, but I'm injured in the arse, so I'll do what I can. Haven't run in a week.

I'll give you a swim workout, hell tuesday trainer workout, etc so you can see.

Do you want to see what I do during peak, or kinda in the middle of the season type of stuff?

Do you want to see it geared toward the half IM or full?

Never did an Oly, so I can't help w/that.
Linn D.
on 8/9/08 4:00 pm - Missoula, MT

Thanks for replying.   I guess right now I'm more interested in the middle season type and geared more toward the half.  Especially helpful for me would be swimming. 

I'm starting a marathon plan toward the end of the month, so I'll be sticking with that for running until the race in January and don't think I'll have much trouble in that department post marathon.

I don't have a road bike yet, but am hoping to have one soon, so a little guidance on bike workouts and the type of bricks you do would be helpful as well.

I'm registering for a half IM for end of June next year in Boise as soon as registration opens Sept 1.

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