In it to lose it!

on 7/29/08 4:47 am - MI
I finally felt good enough to start a walk/run program.  So yesterday was my first day out.  I didn't do timed intervals I went more based on land marks.  It was a total of 3 miles and I averaged a 15 minute mile.  It's getting better.  My run wasn't record breaking but it got my heart rate up.  Should I be doing this daily at this point?  I walk three miles daily just wasn't sure if I should start out running every day. 

Also, I am having a hard time losing my shelf...the spot at the top of your hips and rear that feels like you could set a tray on it...I thought walking would help with that.  Seems like walking is slimming my legs down but not my hips.  Any suggestions?  Am I just not being patient enough in waiting for results.  Man I feel good!  Best I've felt since I can remember!
Linn D.
on 7/29/08 7:44 am - Missoula, MT
Sorry to say, Melissa, but our bodies lose the fat as they will not as we will.  You're just going to have to give it some time.  The places that have held it the longest are going to be the last to lose.

Walking every day is good, but most training plans of any kind generally call for running 4-5 days a week.  Your body does need time to recover from the pounding.  Another thing to remember is that it's important to keep your heart rate in the cardio zone for at least 30 minutes.  Otherwise you won't see the health benefits and fitness improvements you may want.

You're doing great!  Isn't it nice to feel so good?

on 7/29/08 12:01 pm - Long Island, NY

Linn has given you some great advice with regards to your running.  Keep it up - sounds like you are doing great.  I also agree the weight seems to come off slower from our trouble spots, hang in there things do start to even out with time.


5'6" - 302/155-158 

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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 7/29/08 11:50 pm - MI
OK, so you say that the  body needs time to recover from the pounding.  Should I be running every other day or run 5 days then take the weekends off?  I am so new to this.  I really feel it today in my thighs and it's only been two days with the running.  Kind of odd but I'm glad the muscles are sore cuz that means they're being used!  That's  a good thing.  My son went with me last night.  He gave me some tips on breathing that helped a lot as well.  My problem isn't with my legs being to tired its with not being able to breathe!  So it went a lot better last night.  We went at 7 at night and it was still 85 degrees and sticky humid.  Lots of sweating going on.  Again, it feels so good when I finish. 
Linn D.
on 7/30/08 12:35 am - Missoula, MT
You can do it either way, but you might find that it's hard to make yourself do it on Friday if you go M-F.  I take Tues and Sat off from running according to the training plan I found.

You will find that the legs will improve faster than the cardio system, but that's okay.  They say to only add 10% per week, so don't get discouraged if it takes you a little while to build up your endurance.  Your body is in the process of learning how to get the needed oxygen to all your systems and it just takes time.

I'm not sure if I mentioned shoes before, but please be sure you have good quality shoes that have been fitted for your gait and foot strike.  Most running stores have people who can do this.  It will help keep you from injury and make it a more enjoyable experience.

You'll get there, and you're doing great!

on 7/30/08 12:48 am - MI
Thanks Linn.  I will separate my days off then like you do.  I did get fitted for shoes so I think I'm all set.  You're right it's a huge difference.  Before when I would start running my shins would just ache.  But with the right shoes, I am just feeling normal muscle aches from working them.  No shin or arch problems.  Thanks again for everything.
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