HELP! I met with a trainer and he was a meathead!!! (Long, sorry)

on 7/25/08 12:37 am - Buffalo, NY
So I have been STRUGGLING to lose ANY weight for over a MONTH now...I felt that maybe I needed to meet with the trainer at the Y to maybe see about switching up my routing a little to "shock" my body a little into losing mode again...I only have 18-20lbs left to goal.  I explained to him that I am post-op, what my eating restrictions were, what my diet was like, and even after all that he told me I needed to bulk up on my carbs and get about 2000 calories a day!!! He gave me NO USEFUL information, and just took me around to the SAME machines I have been using, and offered NOTHING different!!!! I don't even think he was a REAL TRAINER!!!!  When I asked him about my BMR which I figured to be about 1424 AT REST, and about 1890 when you add in my running/gym activities 3-4 x a week...and the calorie deficit caused by my intake of about 1000 calories a day (sometimes less because I just can't get it in some days) HE LOOKED AT ME LIKE I WAS SPEAKING MARTIAN!!! He asked me why my goal was another 18-20 and I said that I wanted to get my BMI into the healthy range...right now it's 25.6...I want it under 25, and preferrably 22 or 23. He said that maybe I might just have to accept that my body might just be done losing weight and there is nothing I can do about it!!!! I'm sorry, but I refuse to accept that!!!That cannot be true, can it?!  I also told him I needed help TONING my arms/chest because that's the hardest part for me to work's the weakest part of me and I HATE working it, and the machine that they have to work your shoulders is very awkward for me to use. Now I'm no expert on anything, but it seemed like all the information he was giving me was for bulking, not toning. He just wasn't listening to me at all!!! I walked out of there more frustrated than before, and here I am...

So I ask you!!! Is there anyone who can give me any advise into shocking myself into losing this last bit of weight??? Here is basically my daily diet:

B-1egg w/1/2 - 1 piece of low carb whole wheat toast (most of time can't finish whole egg)

S-1/4 c. LF cottage cheese w/1/4 frozen NSA mixed berries

L-1/2-3/4 Morning Star garden veggie burg w/1 tbs low sugar spag. sauce and LF cheese (kind of like a chick parm but with the veg burg)
1/2c. tuna made w/miracle whip and piece of LF cabot cheese

S- 50g protein shake

D-Salmon or Chicken w/vegetables...(Broc, squash/zucc, couple bites of yam, tomato/bean salad)

Now I may substitute other things in there, like a couple pieces of rolled up FF turkey lunch meat with 20 calories a slice and 6g protein a slice with tuna in a lettuce roll, etc....but you get the point...I of course drink my DECAF coffee in the morning also, and my Crystal light throughout the day...

Also, I have been sick for the past couple of weeks, and so I have not been at the gym 4 times a week like I normally have been, it's only been like 2x/week. BUT, even at 2/week, I figure that with my calorie intake and BMR, I still should be losing SOMETHING!! But I am starting back at 4 days a week at the gym this week, and basically my OLD routine was this:
15min on treadmill at fast walk 4.0 at 3.5-4.0% incline for warmup (1st mile), then 30 minutes or so of running at 5.5 with 3 minute bursts of 6.0-6.2 and short recover at a fast walk of 4.2 for 1.5 min...for at least 2.5 to 3 miles.
Does anyone have any advise on anything I should be doing differently?? I have been told to increase my calories...I did that, and I started gaining. I do not get along with carbs...even complex carbs...I gain. I stick to fruits and veggies...
Is it really possible that I am just done losing?? Should I just go to the gym and keep up the running 4 days a week and will my body catch up? Like I said, I just need to do something to jolt myself to let go of this last 20 pounds...any help would be a godsend!!!!
Linn D.
on 7/25/08 4:08 am - Missoula, MT
I don't have much advice for you, but the main reason to exercise is supposed to be for long term health benefits.  If you look at exercise as the means to lose weight you're going to be sadly disappointed.  It seems to me that you're just going to have to be patient.  It took me 6 months to lose my last 35 pounds.  During that time I started a walk to jog program and became a runner.  I was at the gym 5 days a week doing primarily cardio for a minimum of 45 minutes. 

From what I can see, you might want to try increasing your run speed gradually.  Higher intensity burns more calories and improves fitness thereby allowing you to run still faster.  Doing more miles in the same time frame also means burning more calories.  I am always trying to improve either my distance or my speed a little bit each week.

I eat over 1800 calories most days at maintenance and have never had my BMR tested.  My weight has been stable for over 3.5 years and I have a BMI that is about 26.  That being said, I have also done many races including half and full marathons.  My last half marathon I averaged under 10-minute miles with 3 potty breaks.  I'm not small, but Im very fit, and if you're fit you're healthy regardless of the BMI.  And isn't that the primary reason you had surgery to begin with? 

My best advice to you is to forget about the scale and work on fitness.  You might try entering some races so you have some other main goal to focus on rather than having your mind stuck strictly on weight loss.  My guess is that if you stay consistently exercising regularly, your weight will come off eventually.

on 7/25/08 6:02 am, edited 7/25/08 8:01 am - Northern CA

Increase muscle mass to increase metabolism. That is what I think helped me the most to get my last 15 pds came off in a 3 month period. This is what I did.

4 x a week cardio running on a treadmill. Most days 30 to 35 minutes. I steadily increased my speed over that time to a max of 7.0 (I am 5'1" ) But I would do as you I would run 2-3 minute intervals during the run at varying speeds. My trainer says this is the best cardio for fat burning and you will use your core muscles as well.

3 x a week 1 hr with a trainer. We worked on increasing muscle mass by using free weights mostly. Weight was fairly light 5 to 10 lbs at 15 reps. During this hour I did intermittent sprints or stepping and jumping to keep my cardio going thru out the work out. The biggest bang for the buck, I think, was working on the core muscles. This is done with alot of balancing exercises during lifting activities. So for example, I would balance by standing on a bosu ball and pumping free weights. To increase cardio, I would step on and off the bosu ball and pump weights.

The other great thing was I didn't stick to one regime, my trainer changed up the routine all the time. While losing the 15 pds was great I also lost a total of 16.5 inches from my waist, hips, thighs and arms.

To maintain where I am at, I stick with the trainer to 2 1/2 hr sessions each week, do cardio 4 x per week for 20 min and I do my own weights on 1 or 2 other days.

Hope this helps... (one more thing, drink green tea to increase metabolism, I drink yogi, decaf kombucha)

5' 1, 221pds to 120pds, BMI: 42.5 to 22.8, Size 22WP to 2P.  
Dr. Agha-Newport Beach, CA:  
12.29.08:TT/LBL/UTL/BL/Butt Aug!
 5.10.09: Face/Neck Lift,Implants,lipo, lower eyelids,fat transfer

on 7/28/08 5:46 am - Aston, PA
I was on a stall and personal trainer gave me a few changes to jump start my fat loss.
First, he told me to do 4 different types of cardio a week.  1 day recumb bike, 1 day elliptical, 1 day treadmill, 1 day ARCH
next he told me the best time to do cardio is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.  that way you are using your fat stores for energy
he said if you can't do it first thing, you should work out 2 to 3 hours after your last meal
also, if you are going to lift weights, which he says is an absolute MUST, you should warm up for 5 minutes, do your weights, and then your cardio.  Most people do it the other way... 
I hope this helps.  I was stuck at 203 lbs for 2 months...  and this morning I was 201...  So I am hoping my stall breaking work out is going to help me get these last 50 lbs off!


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