low iron

Jamie L.
on 7/20/08 7:36 am - San Antonio, TX

Hey guys,
About a month ago I donated blood (no one told me not to and it was 6 months post op) and about 2 hours after the donation, I was about to take the kids swimming and I got really woozy, couldn't even sit or stand up without being dizzy.  Of course I knew that was probably tied to my iron and I did have my labs a week later and the numbers were still low...  SO, the reason I mention that incident, is that now I am trying to train to walk the half marathon in November.  So, I walked 4 miles on Saturday.  I felt fine during and after the walk.  I did my cool down stretches and all that.  After about 2 hours, I felt tired so took a nap and ended up sleeping 4 hours and waking up feeling worse.  I thought maybe blood sugar, but I was eating and drinking regularly and never got any relief at all, so now that I compare it to the post-blood donating, I am thinking this was iron related, too.  Trouble is, doctors think my numbers look OK on labs.  I am taking 150 mg. carbonyl iron daily, spread over 3 doses.  I am drinking 50-75 mg. protein (Nectar) as well as eating protein foods... 

Any advice or thoughts?  I know I do better at night, so for now all I can think of is to make sure I walk in the evenings, and that way I can be woozy while I am sleeping.  I had intended to walk Saturday evening, but we had plans with family, so I decided to walk in the morning to get it out of the way, but my getting ill kept me from following up with the plans anyway..........

I am determined to get through this. 

Linn D.
on 7/21/08 11:21 am - Missoula, MT

Your problem may be related to blood sugar rather than iron (since labs are fine).  It's just as important to get enough carbs in to fuel your workouts as it is to have the iron to carry the oxygen.  When my iron was low, I mostly just had no energy.  When I don't eat enough, I get dizzy during and after any high intensity workout.  The fact that you do better at night adds some weight to the idea that you're just not eating enough (or enough carbs) for your workouts.  Try eating 100-200 calories in mostly carb form about an hour prior to working out and some protein after and see if that helps you.

Jamie L.
on 7/22/08 12:27 am - San Antonio, TX
Thanks again - I will work on that, too.  I am nursing a sore knee right now, so I am hoping I can walk my 3 miles tonight.  I see the doctor today.  When I did 4 m on Sat, I stepped up onto the curb and something happened.  It was already a little sore, maybe arthritis??  but now it's worse.  UUGGHH - I want so badly to be able to just go for a WALK!!  without being dizzy or things hurting.  I know it will come in time - I am just not very patient.  Thanks for taking time for me!
on 7/22/08 12:53 am - Salem, OR
Hi Jamie!

I tend to agree with Linn that maybe it's a blood sugar issue.  When I was newly out from surgery and exercising, I would get dizzy spells really bad!  After talking to my doctor about it, he suggested checking my blood sugar levels and sure enough, they were low when this would happen.  He suggested eating some whole wheat crackers with peanut butter before working out because it would sustain me longer through the work out.  So I tried that and it helped immensely!  Now I'm 2 years out from surgery and I don't get dizzy anymore unless I don't eat enough before working out.  I do have low iron issues right now but it doesn't cause me to get dizzy.  Anyway, you might try checking your blood sugar levels to see what's going on!  Good luck!  --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Jamie L.
on 7/22/08 1:02 am - San Antonio, TX
So, do I just get one of those glucose meters diabetics use and check it that way?  That would make it easy to figure out.  I had originally suggested to the doc that I thought it was blood sugar, but he said my labs looked fine.  Duh, I wasn't dizzy at the time the labs were drawn...  THANKS!
on 7/23/08 10:43 am - vancouver, WA
I am still pre-op however I went to the library and read the book "Weightloss Surgery is it for you" well in the book it says that if you do weight loss surgery you should never give blood again.  I am a regular giver however maybe it is my time to stop and think about myself.

Jamie L.
on 7/23/08 11:35 am - San Antonio, TX
Thanks, it makes sense - just no one told me before.....  I may have to read some more books.  The doctors just don't (and I guess can't) know or remember to tell us EVERYTHING.  I probably won't give again, unless it's like for one of my kids or something and then I'll just deal with the crash.....  Thanks, again!!
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