Looking for a mentor
I appreciate those who share their experinces and tips here on the E&F board. They really help to keep me fired up about getting out and keeping my mileage up.
I am not dehydrated, I don't drink coffee before I run or eat high fat foods. I don't eat right before I run.
Thanks for any advise you can give,
It's a pretty common problem, and I deal with it as well.
One thing that is helpful for me is to avoid most fruits and veggies the day before a long run. I drink coffee and eat a banana about 2 hours before I run (I'm a morning runner) and it generally helps get me cleaned out before I even get started.
I don't drink when I do most runs. I finished a half marathon the 13th and didn't drink anything along the way, but still needed to stop at the potty twice for diarrhea. Sometimes you just can't tell how it's going to turn out until you're running for a while.
When I did my first marathon this past January, I ended up taking 7 pit stops, but it didn't keep me from finishing! Don't let it get to you too much. As you become more experienced it gets a little easier to deal with. Some folks on this forum have asked their physician for something to help them with this and I think it works pretty well. I don't know what it is since I've never asked, but it may be a good idea to ask your doctor and tell them how much it bothers you.
I'm planning my second one this coming January, so it's not something that's going to keep me from fulfilling my goals.
Hi Karrie,
Runner's trot**** me, too. I had six pit stops for my 1st marathon, but managed to find the right combination of fuel for my second marathon to keep things under control.
Like Linn, I drink coffee early in the morning to empty me out. During my training runs, I experimented with different combinations of sports beans and G2 until I found one that would give me the energy I needed for 26.2 miles without the trots. I eat 3 beans at the odd mileposts and drink a bit of G2 at the even mileposts to stay hydrated.
Don't let the trots keep you from reaching for your goal. Take a few wet wipes with you, just in case and know there are many more before you who've experienced the same challenges, but still crossed the finish line.