Set a Personal Best in Today's Workout!
I am just a little excited...
No, I'm very excited... and a little proud.
Well, maybe a lot proud.
Maybe I am tootin' my own horn...
Maybe I am doing a happy dance. :)
You are reading a post written by the woman who holds the female leg press record at her gym! 1 clean rep of 820 lbs. Whoohooo! That would be a personal record for me!!
That said, I have no idea how that compares in the real world, but for now, right here in my little part of Houston, I'm pleased.and am hopeful that I am at the least maintaining muscle mass (if not building some) despit the RNY. Maybe I am doing something right!
Leg Press
20 x 140 lbs.
20 x 230 lbs.
18 x 320 lbs.
15 x 410 lbs.
8 x 590 lbs.
6 x 680 lbs.
3 x 770 lbs.
1 x 820 lbs. <---- PR!!
Did you think the fun would end there? No time to party when there are squats to be done!
Barbell Squats - ATG! (Azz to ground, cause Jesus hates half squats)
20 x 45 lbs.
15 x 65 lbs.
14 x 75 lbs.
10 x 85 lbs.
15 x 45 lbs.
15 x 0 lbs.
Elapsed Time: 58 minutes
Calories burned: 891
"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Armstrong
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!