Missoula Half Marathon Report
Sorry I am so late on seeing your post but am glad you put a report out here. Great job!! It almost borught a tear to my eye with the frustration you must of been experiencinf with the need to keep stopping and then having to wait and still never caving into trying for a personal best. What a great accomplishment. You rock dudette!!
Seems you have done some serious good, sounds like your timing with the bathroom accessability messed you up and whatever your body was doing on that particular day. Keep cranking, I'm sure the next run I will hear a sonic boom here in VA and know that was you breaking your PR in Missoul.....
I am working on my time too and its makes it harder psychologically to get out there, but it is rewarding to think about after its over,.....pant pant pant....
I am working on my time too and its makes it harder psychologically to get out there, but it is rewarding to think about after its over,.....pant pant pant....