Can I do a 5K????
"The Kenyan Invitational"
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
You can do a 5k. I did my first one June 1 then my second June 28. I improved my time by 3 minutes on the second one. I walked a little in each race but I did come in 3 rd the 1st time and second the 2nd time, that was for my age division. I am only 6 months out. So what I am saying is if I can do it you can too. Sue
Of course you can!
I know that entering a race can be a little intimidating, but runners are a cool class of people. They love to see new runners and are excited to see people in their sport.
I didn't check where you live, but most places have a running club and they are a good source of race information. A good runner's store will also help steer you to that information. I live in a small city in Montana and the runner's store owner is a part of the running club.
It doesn't matter where you come in. If you come in after 30 minutes, all the winners will have left anyway. ...and that's after their cool downs.
That may not exactly be true but it has nothing to do with where you finish. Everyone there will respect you for showing up and having the courage to start!!!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
I just did my first road race this past Saturday. It was a 5K. I am only 3-1/2 months out and still weigh 162lbs (I'm only 5'1"). I've been running for six weeks. And I didn't come in last. So obviously, you won't either. I run about a 12min. mile. I was proud of myself, it was fun, and there were plenty of people still behind me.
I find races on
You can definitely do a 5k! It is great fun, go ahead and find a race to sign up for and keep us posted on how you do.
5'6" - 302/155-158
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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06