New Race

Donna M.
on 7/10/08 11:37 am - Mesquite, TX
Hi Everyone.... I've been reading a lot of posts (clear back to page 35 !!!!).  Been looking for answers to why I haven't lost any weight for about 6 months....driving me crazy!! Anyway, while I'm working on THAT issue, I noticed that a lot of people are doing 5, 10 & 15ks, 1/2 marathons, full marathons, bi & triathalons. Thought I would introduce a new race.  It's called Muddy Buddy.  Go to to read about it in detail.  My husband and I just did one down in Austin in May.  It was absolutely the best fun I've had in a long time.  A quick summary:  6-7 mile race that involves 2 people as partners; 1 mountain bike.  At the beginning of the race, 1 partner takes off on the bike while the other one runs/walks for the 1st mile (or to the 1st obstacle).  Each person completes the obstacle.  Then the partners switches places (the person on the bike now runs and the runner now bikes).  At the end of the race is a 60 foot mud pit that both partners must low crawl through together.  Up until the mud pit, you are pretty much by yourself, you might see each other at 1 or 2 of the different legs of the race, but you must be together for the mud pit or face disqualification.  After the mud pit, THEN you run to the finish line. When you register, you actually add both partner's ages together and that's the division you are placed in. Folks, I'm here to tell you, if you like "athalons", you will love this.  It was so much fun.  It wasn't easy by any means, but so fast paced, I didn't have time to think of how tired I was. I'm going to be doing my 2nd one in Dallas in October. Anyway, just wanted to tell ya'll about another fun thing to do. Donna
Donna M.

Surgery Wt: 305        Current Wt: 177.50         Goal Wt:  150      Pounds to Go:  27.50
on 7/10/08 10:40 pm - League City, TX
I have friends, a husband and wife, who do these all the time.  I'm told they're lots of fun.  I might have to talk my husband into it one day.  LOL

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Armstrong

Donna M.
on 7/11/08 4:55 am - Mesquite, TX
Well, it's a good starter for a triathalon in that you have so many things that you have to do.  We climbed cargo nets (25 feet) and slid down the other side, balance beams, 6 foot rock wall w/cargo net on the back, an "A" frame.  Most of the time I couldn't even ride the bike, I had to walk it because it was too treacherous for me (I just learned how to ride a bike in March, so still not that confident yet).  I'm planning on doing the one in Oct. (just heard it's got very few slots left). Tell you what tho....the mud was COLD !!!!!  LOL
Donna M.

Surgery Wt: 305        Current Wt: 177.50         Goal Wt:  150      Pounds to Go:  27.50
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