Step Aerobics Advice

Cindy C.
on 7/9/08 6:25 am
I am considerind buying The Step Workout System w/ Cathe Friedrich DVD.  Is anyone familiar with this?  Would I be better off buying the step by itself and buying a separate DVD by someone else? Any input is greatly appreciated. Cindy

Height 5' 1"   WLS on 12/05/07      Plastics on 04/27/09                                 

K B (Tucson)
on 7/9/08 2:49 pm - Tucson, AZ
I dont know this person, so I can't help there, but if you have on demand cable tv, find your section under free programs that has to do with health and wellness as they have many different free workouts for you to use.  This beats gyms and buying dvds.  Good luck.
on 7/11/08 12:17 am - Cambridge, MA
Hi there!
I am a devoted Cathe follower! I LOVE her!! She is by far the best there is, and I've tried everyone else's tapes/ DVDs.
Her cuing is impeccable, and even though she runs through the routine a little fast the first time out, this is actually good because the more you do the DVD, the better you get & you won't be slowed down by repetitive instructions.

Every single one of her products is amazing, and Cathe herself is incredibly accessible through her website. I could not think of a better place to start with step.
"Another day.  Another chance to feel healthy."  
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