Can I expect to do this a year from now?
For me it was a COST factor. My coach has done several ironmen...places in his age group...has been sponsored...
The CON...I see him in person maybe once a year
PRO-I talk to him on the phone almost daily...constant email contact, etc.
I use an online workout log to check the status...he puts up the workouts, I fill in the info on my end.
For swim technique I use a local coach for private lessons when needed. Edited to add...My coach is $50ish a month...local well-respected coaches are 200+ a month. One of them whom I know personally...and his athletes...he has trouble getting their stuff to his athletes on time. I have zero patience for that.
I hate how this site formats responses...I typed mine out and it looked nice,,,then it got all smooshed together. Anyhoo... I've also rode a bunch of centuries as part of training...for IMFL I did them solo, not organized...for LP, I chose the organized route... For IM Arizona in November I'll be doing more solo...
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
Comfort yourself in the fact that you live in California where you have access to some of the best training areas and probably one of the best supported areas for biking and multisport in the country. Louisiana, as a whole, seems to have an aversion to exercise in general since we are one of the fattest states in the country and lately, in my personal opinion, what seems like the least tolerant states when it comes to bike safety and governmental support of bike / running paths on any of our roads. My brother and his family live in Davis, CA and I was floored when I got to experience the miles upon miles of bike paths that meandered through the entire city. I on the other hand try to commute to work one day on my bike and I get a McDonalds cup full of soda thrown at me at 35 mph, multiple close, honking buzzes and two near fights. All this and I was riding ON the white line! Heh. I digress... What I'm tryin' to say is enjoy California man! I am tempted to dump my conservative ways and become a peace lovin' hippy and make a move to California.
A coach will be the next logical step when you want to pursue the longer distances such as a 70.3 or longer. What a coach will bring to the table is STRUCTURE! Planned workouts and what to do and when to do it. My problem earlier this year was I was running too much. I love the run and after completing my marathon and was transitioning to triathlon I was still training with my running philosophy. I was doing WAY too much running and not spending enough asstime on the saddle and time in the drink. Now I don't run nearly as much, I have structure in my swim training and I spend way more time on the bike.
Anything is possible man. Just look at the success you had with losing weight. Take your time and enjoy the races you do to start off. Multisport is fun and the races are blast. I've yet to do a tri where I finished and thought it was a 'bad' race. Unorganized? Yes. Tough? Killer! Bad? NO WAY! It's multisport and what can be better than getting to be a kid again that swims, bikes and runs!
Now, keep in mind that the bike will probably be a little more expensive than that crappy BMX you had as a kid but I promise you it will be a lot faster! :)
Best of luck!