Thanks Linn! Its funny I would get to the point where I thought I needed a break and I would lt out a couple of big sighs and I was fine and good to go some more. I think overall it was a little slower at times, but I was so happy to only have that one little break...Thursday I am going to shoot for no walk breaks and see what happens!
Today was one of those few runs that I just had to struggle through to get to the finish. The same 10K route that I finished in 57 minutes two weeks ago, took me 71 minutes today. It was hot. It was humid. Even running slow, I couldn't get my heart rate to drop so I slowed to a walk several times.
For all the new runners, these kind of days happen. Sometimes it's the weather, lack of sleep or fuel, etc. Don't get discouraged. There's always another day.
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."