Riding with the "A" group
Well being the ****y, "CAN DO" guy that I am I decided that I was going to ride with the A group in a group ride in St. Francisville, Louisiana yesterday. I had my new, carbon framed bike and there was just no stopping me right? I could probably hang with Lance since we were all gonna be drafiting right? WRONG!
St. Francisville is a rare, hilly portion of SW Louisiana that has little traffic and few beasts (dogs) to annoy bikers. The ride was SUPPOSED to be an easy 18 - 21mph 50 - 56 mile romp through the countryside. I tried my best to hang with the group of 20 or so bikers but they dropped me in the first 5 miles. The 18 - 21mph turned into 26mph UP the hills. I tried to hang but there was just NO way. I was lucky that my tri coach turned around and came back to get me. We rode the 'loop' which was around 45 miles back to the car at the pace I had intended in the first place which was 18 - 21mph.
So what did I learn from my ride with the A Group??? I learned that it's all about the ENGINE! I may have a Ferarri of a bike but the engine driving said bike (me) is from a Yugo. I'll be sticking with the B Group from now on. :)
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!