Saturday Workouts

on 7/5/08 3:15 am - League City, TX

Don't mean to stomp on anyone's effort, but didn't see a Saturday's Workout thread, so I decided to start one -- that is since I had something to enter!

The month of July for me is focused on obtaining my post-op -100 milestone, which would also bring me to a total lost of 140 lbs. :) 

Focus, focus, focus is the name of the game for me this month!

Anyway... here's my workout detail for today.

BB Bicep Curl
12 x 30 lbs.
2 10 x 40 lbs.

Hammer Curls
12 x 15 lb.s
2 10 x 17.5 lbs.

BB Preacher Curls
(first time to use the bench; always used the Cybex machine)
12 x 20 lbs.
12 x 30 lbs.
10 x 40 lbs.

BB Skull Crushers
(first with BB)
12 x 20 lbs.
2 10 x 30 lbs.

DB Tricep Extension
12 x 15 lbs.
2 10 x 17.5 lbs.

Tricep Rope Push Downs
12 x 20 lbs.
2 10 x 30 lbs.

Oblique Crunches
3 sets of 25

Leg Raises on Bench
25, 20 and 18

20 minutes of Intervals

1:18 Elapsed time
1183 Calories burned
2:1:1 Recovery Drink after

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Armstrong

on 7/5/08 3:54 am - Long Island, NY
Donna - I hope you achieve that goal!  However, I think your fitness achievements are more extraordinary that the number on the scale.   I ran 9.66 miles and walked about an additional mile. It was tough, but I was so happy to get the miels in. We are having some awful weather for running, it has been a long humid streak here.   Mary

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Cassie W.
on 7/5/08 12:41 pm
I put in an 8 mile run at a 10:04 pace, but my legs felt like lead today.  I really had to focus to keep them moving forward.  I'll do my long bike ride Sunday and then take it a little easy for the rest of the week.   Next Sunday is my Boilermaker 15K, the race that lured me into becoming a runner.  I'd like to finish in under 90 minutes; so, I need to have fresh legs. Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

on 7/5/08 11:57 pm - League City, TX

"I ran 9.66 miles"

Good grief... one day I hope to be able to say that.  I just keep thinking that running will become "fun" at some point.  I just keep trying. LOL

 Great job!

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever." Lance Armstrong

Linn D.
on 7/5/08 11:24 am - Missoula, MT
Nice job, Donna! Today was a non-run day, and since I was out of town, I took it as a full day off since tomorrow is a long run day. Linn
Soft And Lovely
on 7/5/08 12:42 pm, edited 7/5/08 1:21 pm - IL
Two mile bike ride then my tummy went insane and I had to stop.  Tomorrow is supposed to be a day of rest but I'm gonna finish the ride I was supposed to take today. ETA- Thanks for posting this thread Donna :-)

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

on 7/5/08 2:56 pm - Los Angeles, CA
I waited too late to run/walk  this morning (around 8:30am). It was just too darn hot.   Would you believe I had the energy to get up and run after a night of partying?  I had to!  I brought my running gear with me to my cousin's house.  There was no way I was going to carry my shoes and clothes and not use them.  I had a 23 min, 11 sec run with a 5 min warmup and a 8 min cooldown.  Pace was 13mins and 44 secs.  for 1.72 miles.  I am so glad that my pace is improving.  I did a 1 min run and 2 mins walk recovery. Kim
Without struggle, there is no progress.

Scott William
on 7/5/08 8:45 pm
I did a 3 mile tempo run.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
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