New Runner

on 7/3/08 11:47 am - NC
I am a new runner about 3 months now, and I am considering doing a 5K. I have several friends that do them on a regular basis. I don't care about winning but I do not want to finish last. I ran 3.4 miles in 41 minutes on the treadmill yesterday and I did 2.5 miles in 30 minutes today on the track. What is a good time for doing a 5k. Remeber I do not care about winning but I do not want to be last. I guess I am wanting to know what a good medium time is.
Soft And Lovely
on 7/3/08 11:52 am - IL
I think some people just walk the 5Ks (that's what I'm counting on anyway).  I think if you can run most of it you probably won't come in last.  I hope you'll keep us posted if you decide to do one!

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

Chris Zane
on 7/3/08 12:13 pm
If you are running at that rate, you will not come in last or even close to it.  Every 5k I've ever done has had a large number of walkers and run/walkers.   If you are worried about the time, try to look up the results from the 5k you are doing from last year.  Or from another 5k in your area.  That should give you and idea of the wide range of people that will be out there. On this forum, I've seen people complete first 5ks in the range of mid to upper 30s (minutes) and into the 40s.  You are well within that range now. Once you do your first race, you'll see that no one cares about your time and speed other than you. Everyone else is too busy having fun and tracking their own times.
on 7/3/08 1:18 pm - Cosby, TN
I did my first 5K June 1 and my time was 37:20.  I ran most of it but I did walk also.  There is no shame in walking there were alot of people doing that.  I just did another 5K and my time improved by 3 minutes.  I usually just run on a treadmill.  I am trying to find a place that has moderate hills, where I live it is mostly incline and decline. Sue


on 7/3/08 1:53 pm - NC

Thanks for the replies. I do not have anywhere around here to run on the streets either. I must either do the threadmill or the track. That is another concern of mine. I know running on the street has to be harder. I wounder how much my time will suffer because of the difference. But, honestly my first goal is to get up the nerve to actually do one. After I do my first one I know I will not care about any of this stuff.

on 7/3/08 3:06 pm - Barboursville, WV
I run alot on a treadmill as well. With the times you have been running you won't come in last. What I have found is that I always run faster at a race. you get caught up in the excitement of the day. I can feel my heart rate go up when I get there. After I check in I find a back street and walk for a few minutes and stretch and then run for a few minutes to get warmed up and get rid of the butterflies. I stay close to the starting line but get there just a few minutes before the start. pan head
on 7/3/08 9:42 pm - Long Island, NY

If you aren't already try putting the incline up at 1-2% when you run on the threadmill, it helps it mimic the variations you get out in the street.  You'll do great, I don't think you have to worry about coming in last.

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
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Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

on 7/8/08 2:32 am - Epsom, NH
Once you run one, you will be hooked.  I love doing them and did my first one last year and did 2 so far this year.  Its a great accomplishment.  Then each time I run I simply try to beatMY time - I am not fast - but I am shooting for a 10 minute mile on my next run.  I am almost there at 11.13.    I would have never thought I would be running these things a couple years ago.   Have fun and don't expect to run the whole 5K the first or even the second time unless you have a good 6-8 of 3-4X a week training before.  Remember to stretch and enjoy!!!
kelly H.
on 7/4/08 2:46 am - Beaverton, MI
I did my first 5K in February.  I had trained earlier in the year, but then quit running for about a month before the event.  The week of the race I ran 1 mile a day on the treadmill.  I finished in 36 mins and I did walk parts of the race.  I ran the first mile and a half trying to stay paced with someone I picked out in the race ahead of me.  When I walked, I would tell myself...ok walk to the next driveway and then run until the stop sign.  I picked out markers along the way.  My only goal was to start and finish the race.  Didn't care about where I finished.  I wish you luck.  You can do it!!!!  I am training now for a 5K in Sept.  This one I hope to run the entire way. Kelly
Scott William
on 7/4/08 10:16 pm
Who cares where you finish?  As a general rule, the exercise and fitness board really only cares that you have the courage to start.  Find a race and sign up ASAP!  This will get you excited and help motivate you to train.  Your next post should be, "I just signed up for...." and I expect this soon! But seriously go sign up and don't care where you finish.

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