racing to complete vs racing to compete
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
I'm in it for: 1. The gear. 2. The race bibs I get to put on my wall at work. 3. The feeling of satisfaction I get for completing a more challenging race or a better personal time. 4. The feeling of commraderie (sp?). Even though I don't really hang out or talk to too many people. 5. Help teach my kids that sometimes it's not where you finish, but if you get in the game at all.
I agree that it is both. For me, I started before I was ready so "not finishing last" was a valid goal. I could've pushed myself harder though and I poured over the race results looking for how I can improve. So yes, while it is good to beat our own previous times, it really helps to have someone coming up alongside you to push you harder.
Last October I was afraid to walk into the gym.
So, just completing something was a good next step for me.
But yeah, competition is good, makes us go harder, faster, etc. But at the end of the day, I just felt good that I accomplished something myself.
this post makes no sense. sorry!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
First I want to say thanks to everyone that has answered. Secondly I guess I will answer my own question. Well I guess I will probably ramble a bit as I try to quantify this and get a grasp on it myself. Originally being a 441 pound guy, I never would have immagined doing something like this. I of course thought that everyone wh ran or did anything resembling a Triathlon must be into pain. I could never see or understand the fun of running. How the hell could running be fun, and don't even get me started on the runners high. Unless of course the runners high was that burning sensation in your chest and lungs that feels like you swallowed acid. Well since my WLS one of the goals I set for myself was a Triathlon. I realize that I didn't pick Kona, or any of the Marathons. Actually I don't ever see myself being able to do something like that. Would I like to, or am I intreagued by it? Yes I am, but I have 40 years of being the fat kid/guy and It just doesn't compute in my head when I look at those events. So I figure I'm going to try and ease myself into these events. I will do a couple sprint tri's and if they and my workouts get easier, I'll move up to the next challenge. I think that just maybe if I take baby steps, I'll be able to ease myself into believing that I can do one of the bigger events. So for me the running/biking/swimming/weights etc are me trying to keep my goals alive and not fail at something I set in front of myself. Scott
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
I race to COMPLETE not to COMPETE and always will. I race to beat the course not the guy that crosses the line first.
I came in last at TriAmerica and it was a very humbling experience but I didn't quit and that's what matters to me deep down inside. The course definately GOT me but it didn't get the BEST of me!
You know what they call the guy or gal that crosses the finish line last in a triathlon? They call that guy or gal a triathlete.