Solo Super Sprint Tri
Well I'm signed up for a super sprint tri in September, so I have been working on a 13 week training plan.
Today I decided to deviate a bit from the plan and see how much I could already do.
This was all done at the YMCA, so I know the road will be different, but I am hopeful.
The super sprint I am doing is 400m swim, 8 mile ride, and a 2 mile run.
I started with a 400m swim, then went upstairs to one of the stationary bikes and rode for 8 miles, then to the treadmill. The treadmill or should I say running is always my weakness. I ran the first mile, walked 1/2 -3/4 of a mile then ran the final 1/4 mile. I know I can run a 5k if I am not doing anything else, so I should be able to do the 2 miles. I think the running bores me more than it does tire me out. I keep thinking am I done yet, am I done yet.
So I still have over 2 months to go, and I almost did it today. I should be good to go by the time of the race.
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
Sounds to me like things are going well and you'll do great!
My guess is that when you're actually doing the race, you won't find the run portion boring because you'll be motivated by the people around you.
I wish I knew how to help you not find the running part so dull. All I can think of is to constantly try to challenge yourself with it. That's what I have to do with swimming.