Saturday's Workout

on 6/28/08 12:04 am - Long Island, NY

I am starting to ramp up my long runs now as marathon training is starting.  Today I did 8.39 miles, my goal was 8 so  I am happy about that.   I did however have to take lots of walk breaks, the humidity here is brutal.  It seems that the days the humidity is low are my off days - go figure.  Anyway, I am happy my run is done!

5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog:
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Scott William
on 6/28/08 2:10 am
2.2 miles when I got home from work.  Then I promptly tried to sleep.  - Huh

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Linn D.
on 6/28/08 6:11 am - Missoula, MT
NIce job Mary! Since today was a run day off and a long run tomorrow I was going to be very nice to myself and just swim. But, since I felt better today than I have in a while (slept very well for a change) I decided to do a 50-min spin class before I got in the pool.  I also swam 900 yards today! Linn
on 6/28/08 8:49 am - Dacula, GA

So...I did the Cartersville Century today. I hold that term loosely, because I paid $30 to ride a whopping 97 miles. WTF...they shoulda named it the almost century.


TG my friend Shelley had a camelbak I could borrow. TriDaddy wanted to make sure I was well-hydrated. Insurance, if you will.

So...lucky for me...the "almost century" was well-organized! Water stops every 15 miles...most century rides don't have them evenly spaced and you can go for 25-30 miles w/o a water refill. you know, we've tested my sweat rate at 4 pounds 9oz on the run.

I usually drink one aerobottle an hour.

Today I drank 2 aero's an hour and even had to dip into the camelbak supply once...probably about 20 oz worth from there.

I drank 12 aerobottles...damn ride took me 6 hours 8 minutes. Avg'ing near 16mph. Slower than I woulda liked. The course is comparable to IM Louisville...from what I've heard from others. Who knows. I don't have a fancy altimeter on my bike.

About mile 40 I started noticing some tension in my neck and shoulders...moved up into my head. It had to have been the pak. This is also the first time my lower back had hurt riding Senior Miguel.

Sherry will NOT be carrying a pak for the Ironman.

Full Nutrition report: Each hour I had one serving of infinit...10 oz (2 servings a bottle). 280 calories...275 sodium.

Starting the 2nd hour I had ONE fig newton at 15 and 45 minutes...equalling 2 figgies an hour.

Starting at HOUR 3 I had one salt tab per hour. 3 salt tabs total on the ride. 215 mg sodium each in there.

Like I said...I had 2 aerobottles an hour on the bike...with a little dip into the camelbak...maybe 13 altogether whence added up?

Did not pee until the 4th aero was consumed. Peed at the rest stop.

After that I musta peed the amount a race horse would pee...somewhere b/w6-10 times on the bike. New personal record for the distance!

I pee'd when I got off the bike...ran 2 miles...peed again! Pee'd 2x on the way home.

I tried calling Coach Sheldon after the ride. My back and head were killing me (damn Camelbak he made me carry!)...I probably coulda SUFFERED 3 more miles, but at what expense? I called it a day. I felt kinda bad about it...I took a salt pill after-maybe I needed more salt. Nope. I needed PAIN KILLERS...which I couldn't get until I got home. I can't take advil.

So-bike shoes went in the shower with me and liners are in the wash.

on 6/28/08 10:24 am
Hi Everyone, I'm hoping  you all don't mind if I just jump right in. I've been active on the wls grad board and now that I've made working out a priority in my life I want to be active on this board. I'm taking it this is a daily thread where you come and share what you did that day as far as workouts? I'm conditioning to hike a HUGE mtn in September (huge for me! 14.5 mi). And I gradually want to start conditioning for a triathlon, I'd like to start official triathlon training this winter and compete in one early next summer.

so today I went on a hike this morning, bright and early, it was a moderate hike, and took an hour and 45 min. A couple hrs after I did a 50 min spinning class (it kicks my butt!!!!). Then I'm going to be playing wii fit to night, I'll try to make it a good solid workout to burn off the pizza I'm going to eat tonight! ('s saturday, I eat good the rest of the week!). Look forward to getting to know you guys!


Before/Lowest/Current/Goal  I have come too far to take orders from a cookie!


Soft And Lovely
on 6/28/08 12:17 pm - IL
5 miles on the stationary bike today!  Distance is starting to increase.  great birthday present for me!! 

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

Cassie W.
on 6/29/08 10:57 am
Great job everyone!  Sherry, I really can't imagine riding 97 miles - I'm sure I would have blisters in some pretty uncomfortable places. I put in an 8-mile run Saturday followed by some core work.  It was humid, but good practice for the 15K Boilermaker in two weeks.  Last year it was near 90. Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

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