Dang it....

on 6/26/08 11:57 pm - MI
Well I spent some time last night sole searching and deciding what to do about this weekends triathlon. I knew deep down I could complete it without much difficulties, but...

Anyways, I got up this morning, went to the lake, and had by far the best open water swim of my life. So I felt really good about doing it. Once back home, I decided to do a 5K run and think about what to do.

The 5K went really well, and that is when I decided to sign up for the triathlon this weekend. I was tired of listening to my mind tell me I couldnt do something when my body says that I can.

Well I went to link to sign up, and wouldnt you know it. The online registration has been closed. I even called the race director, and he said the race registration is closed. Damn it.....

I even emailed the president of the triathlon club to see if he could do any magic since this is also a MERCRS race. He said he would try, but not to hold my breath..

What I did do, was sign up for next weekends triathlon on beautiful Lake Michigan. So I at least did the right thing and signed up for next weekend triathlon.

So I guess I will do a local 5K thru a zoo of all places. Not what I had in mind, but that is what I'm stuck with....

Thanks for the support and encouragement.

on 6/27/08 1:10 am - Baltimore, MD
Curt, Sounds like you're battling the "I can't" demons and beating them down. Phantom weight is a helluva thing. You'll be in a much better mental state going into next weekends tri. And swimming in beautiful Lake Michigan will be an absolute thrill.  Enjoy the 5K and think about how you'll feel crossing the finish line after the swim/bike then run on next week. -Dan
on 6/27/08 3:23 am - MI

You got it 100% correct. Its for sure the "I cant" demons. However, I think I have kicked their ass, and moving forward from here on out.

My plan for tomorrow is to run the 5K at a fast pace. I want to really work hard tomorrow. I might even ride my bike to the 5K, and have it more of a training workout...

on 6/27/08 1:50 am - Dacula, GA
Would this be your first tri? If you can't get in, why don't you volunteer? You'll learn a lot about it by jus****ching. Be a bodymarker and see how people's transitions are set up! Also-handing ou****er on the run is fun. They sooooooooo appreciate it!
on 6/27/08 3:16 am - MI
No, I did a triathlon last year. As well as I volunteered at Whirlpool Stealhead Half Ironman last August.

Now dont you think I am crazy for not jumping right in this year?

on 6/27/08 3:31 am - Minneapolis, MN
Sorry to hear about the registration being closed, but it sounds like you have a good plan for how to make the most out of the race you get to do in place of it.  I can relate to not believing you can do something it seems every week I amaze myself by doing something I never would have thought I could do (most this is in yoga but some of it is running too).  I hope you have fun this weekend running through the zoo (that just sounds funny) and good luck with your tri- next weekend! ~Nicole

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

on 6/27/08 3:31 am - Dacula, GA
Dude...I put nothing offensive in my post...I wonder why all the ****************************** Yah...why didn't you just jump in?
on 6/27/08 6:57 am - Minneapolis, MN
Sherry, the **** are if ther is an offensive word when you put any letters in a row together whether they are in seperate words or not it is pretty silly if you ask me and can get confusing at times, but what can ya do?  Hope this helps clarify!

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

Scott William
on 6/27/08 3:52 am
Curt Good plan.  Nothing will motivate you more than knowing there is a race looming that you have already signed up for.  ....and by the way, there anin't nothing you can't do!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Linn D.
on 6/27/08 4:52 am - Missoula, MT
Hey Curt, Glad you went with the next best thing.  I didn't know you'd already done one before, so can I kick your butt!  You already KNOW you can do it.  My best guess is that you have pretty high expectations for how you think you ought to do.  Be careful of that because I'm afraid that you'll miss out on the enjoyment of the experience.  That's what happened to me on my first, and the second was much more enjoyable. When you sign up for a race, it's fine to have expectations, but PLEASE don't let them determine if you should even try (which is what it sounds to me like you've done). OK, I'm done lecturing now.  HAVE A FABULOUS TRI NEXT WEEKEND!  Also have a fun 5K. Linn
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