Race Report - Baltimore 10 Miler

on 6/22/08 11:59 pm - Baltimore, MD
Baltimore's inagural 10 miler. Thursday night I went and bought new shoes. Friday evening I picked up my timing chip and bib. Saturday morning. Up at quarter to 6 to get to the race. A half a bowl of cheerios, make a protein shake and out the door with water and a 20oz. G2.  6:30 - arrive to the race start. I've learned to bring a book and hang out when I'm running by myself. I prefer to do that than mill about before the race too long. That tends to make me nervous. 7:10 -  wait in bathroom line. 7:25 - still in bathroom line. Realize that I can go pee on the trees. I do so I won't miss the start of the race. 7:30 - race start. 1,800 people. Manageable. Temperature probably upper 70's/low 80's at the start. Took about a minute and a half to get to the start. Race runs from the Baltimore Zoo through a park, winds past Johns Hopkins campus, and out to a reservoir a couple of miles from my house. The terrain was slightly hilly up and down in the beginning. Flattened out mostly for miles 3-7 with slight a slight incline on the way back towards mile 6.  Half split time is 44:49. Mile five my pace setter stops to walk. I tell him I need him to start running again soon because I've been trailing him. He laughs and shakes his head no. Ah well. Course winds back from where we came. Did I mention slightly hill up and down in the beginning? I'm sure I meant big massive long eternal hills. Very heavy legs for the last two miles. My pace setter passes me just after the mile 8 marker. Showoff. I try to keep up with him again, but it's not happening. Finally a down hill stretch at the end. An early finisher out assuring us it's all downhill from here and to go for it. I saved up a little for the end and was able to sprint across the finish in 1:29 even. 64 of 128 in my age group. 367 of 768 men finishers.  Smooth ending gate. Dropped off my chip. Go****er and fruit. They also had washclothes dipped in icewater. Nice. Picked up my fleece jacket and headed to the car. Previous 10 mile time was 1:27:57 last month in Philly so a minute slower, but given the terrain here as opposed to Philly, I feel pretty good about things overall. Nice part of this run was that most of the course should be part of what we'll run for the Baltimore Marathon in October. Good to get a feel and know what to expect there.
Linn D.
on 6/23/08 12:28 am - Missoula, MT
Nice Job Dan! I love to hear the reports!  It's so funny what we see at the start as opposed to the finish.  Nice pace also! It's good that you got to see part of your marathon course.  I think it all helps the mental preparation. Linn
on 6/23/08 3:35 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Nice run.  Thanks for sharing the experience. Awesome run; 1:29 with hills is 89 minutes so is that like a 9:30 a mile pace. Impressive non-obese one!
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
Rob S.
on 6/23/08 5:59 am - DE
Great job, Dan.  Considering the hills you had to manuver that is quite impressive.  I can only dream of getting in under 1:30.  You are becoming a true runner. Good luck on your marathon training. Rob
on 6/23/08 9:15 am - Long Island, NY

Dan, Great job.  It is nice that you got to do part of the route for the Baltimore Marathon.  One of my training runs for the NYC marathon was the last 10 miles of the marathon.  I think that was really helpful in getting me through the end of the race, I knew exactly what to expect.



5'6" - 302/155-158 

Check my success story on my surgeon's website: my story
Check my blog: LosingForLife.com
Ran NYC Marathon 11/4/07 5:27:06

Soft And Lovely
on 6/23/08 10:31 am - IL
Great job!  Thanks for the terrific report. 

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

on 6/24/08 3:12 am
Congrats, and thanks for posting your report. I love reading about all the success everyone has with their events. Scott

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Cassie W.
on 6/24/08 8:39 am
Dan,  Congratulations on another great race!  You're certainly getting in some fantastic training races in preparation for your October marathon. Cassie
"Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer."

Scott William
on 6/24/08 9:57 pm
Baltimore marathon, huh?  Youve got me thinking.  If it weren't for the $, I'd sign up today! Good work on the race and a very nice time to boot.  It doesn't seem like you are a hang around at the end type of guy.  I never do.  There was on race in the spring where I was literally in my car within 3 minutes of finishing.  Keep it up!

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4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
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