Monday Workout
Well, I was cleared for take off on running and swimming. I tried to run/walk tonight but it felt like none of my insides were connected to anything. It hurt. So, I picked up my pace and did 2 fifteen minute miles. Tomorrow I am going to wrap up my middle tight and try the run/walk again. But I did get my 2 miles in and man it feels good!
When I had my gall bladder out 8 months post-op I was already a runner. When I tried running again after healing from that, it was tough. I understand what you're feeling. One thing that helps is to really concentrate on keeping the tummy musles tight when you do it. Try not to rely too much on external support because it's really important to keep the core tight when you walk or run. Your muscles get stronger and it isn't so much of an issue after a little while.
You'll get there!