Triathlon question

Judi J.
on 6/22/08 12:30 am - MN
hi: can i get an honest opinion from you vets: my dh and I have been training for an August sprint triathlon. I can swim easily, bike easily but have been a slacker on the running. I'm doing couch to 5k and run walk a little over 2 miles in 25 minutes. dh is doing a sprint triathlon next saturday:  1/3 mile swim 12 mile bike 3.8 mile run/walk the brochure says run/walk, dh says the point of a tri is to run. I figure if I'm going to be there watching him I might as well go for it and see how I do. I KNOW I can walk it will my wimpy running abilities kick my butt? planning to run a lot this week, let me have it, stupid idea? thanks, judi
Soft And Lovely
on 6/22/08 1:39 am - IL
I'm brand new to this training for stuff.  I've never done a tri (sprint or otherwise) in my life.  My advice is probably pretty much useless at this point.  But since it's what I wanna do some day I say go for it!!  I think it'd be fun.  The beginner triathlete board says there's absolutely no sin in walking during the "run" part.  Lots of folks do it.  I hope you go for it and I hope you'll come back and tell us how it went!

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

on 6/22/08 2:02 am

2 miles in 25 minutes seems to be pretty respectable.  That means you are getting close to 12 minute miles or 5 mph which is great for just starting out.  The more you do it, the better it will get for you.  You have to start somewhere.   Do whaterver it is that get you out there and active.  If you have to walk, then walk.  That is much better than not participating at all. Good luck with the Tri and let us know how it went for you. Scott

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

on 6/22/08 3:09 am - Dacula, GA
A lot of people walk/run. ESPECIALLY THE WATER STOPS! I used to think when I started running 3-4 years ago that if I walked I wasn't a runner. That's BS. Anyhoo-with that said...I walk my water stops usually...and in my half or full ironman tris I run 3 and walk 1...repeat. Lemme say...I've neglected the exercise boards for like-forever...I came here a few days ago and am pleasantly surprised and excited to see all of you getting your butts into gear. If I didn't exercise I swear I'd be at least 300 pounds again...
Chris Zane
on 6/22/08 4:05 am
I just did three sprint triathlons in the last month.  Lots of people walk during the 'run' part.  Don't worry at all about that.  Also, if you are doing 2 miles in 25 minutes - that is really fast for running/walking.  You will find people of all levels doing triathlons.  If you are that worried, look at the results from last year - usually they will break it down by sport - and you can see the range of times.  I just looked at the results from one I did and there were lots of people in the 40 minutes to 55 minutes range for the 5k.  I find that the place that there is a huge difference in abilities - more so than the run is in the swim.  Lots of people do breast or back stroke for part or all of their swim.  No one really cares what you do - just go out and do it and have fun and be happy with your accomplishment.
Linn D.
on 6/22/08 5:17 am - Missoula, MT
The only other thing I'd like to add, because I also agree with everyone that says to go for it, is: Please Don't Let Anyone Else Determine What They Think You Ought To Do!!!! If you want to do it and your motivation is different from dh, so what!  You'll do it and have just as great a time because you're doing it for your own reasons. Also, don't increase the running too much or you run the risk of injury.  They say increase mileage by 10% each week. Have fun at that Tri! Linn
Judi J.
on 6/22/08 5:59 am - MN
thanks everyone for the encouragement. I'm gonna go for it. Seems like a waste not to since I"ll be right there. Now if I can just keep from winning the last place award LOL thanks again!! judi
Chris Zane
on 6/22/08 6:34 am
If you are run/walking that fast and can easily swim and bike, you will not come in last place.  Go for it.
on 6/23/08 7:51 am - Baton Rouge, LA

If you walk the race director comes by and hits you with a big stick!   Just kidding.  Of COURSE you can walk and you'd be surprised at just how many people do walk.  There's no shame in it. 

Guess what they call the guy or gal that walks across the finish line?  A triathlete.  It's not about winning.  It's about beating the course.  

Judi J.
on 6/23/08 9:24 am - MN
LOL! thanks for the laugh and the encouragement, i love reading about your experiences!
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