My new bike & the bike I will ride in the Ironman

on 6/20/08 10:22 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Got it today...  It's a Trek Equinox TTX 9.5 and it's the bike I will ride in the Florida (or Hawaii) Ironman 2009.   It's ALL carbon!  Frame and everything else.    I'm bummed I can't ride it for the race Sunday because my crank isn't in yet but I'll be on it next week fo' sho!

Linn D.
on 6/20/08 10:35 am - Missoula, MT
Way Cool Bike, Chad!! The only problem I can see with it is that it's red.  I could never use a red bike because it would clash with all my pink... Anyway, I bet it'll be a blast to ride!  Have a great time with it! Linn
on 6/20/08 11:07 am - Salem, OR
I'm so jealous!  That is an awesome bike!  I want one!!!  --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Soft And Lovely
on 6/20/08 11:19 am - IL
OOOh!  Purty!!  I can't wait til it's all there and we get to read a report on how it rides for ya!

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

on 6/20/08 12:03 pm - Dacula, GA
Hey Chad! I was reading your blog! Way to go! Ironman Florida is a FANTASTIC race! My favorite race to date! Question...why are you doing so many races this year? I was really amazed to see you have already done 17 races, 10 of them triathlons... Are you racing to train...or training to race? Super bike!!!!!!! Red is fast! I have an Orbea Ultegra. His name is Senior Miguel! He'll be taking me through Ironman Lake Placid and Ironman Arizona this year. I noticed in your Long Distance/Almost Half Iron race report you were getting tummy problems. What are you using nutrition-wise? You planning on going to Kona on a lotto slot? IMFL is a REALLY popular sold out online in less than 15 minutes last year. Most people are going to the races now to sign up in person. If you volunteer you get to be in a special line...
on 6/20/08 9:53 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Heh.  Now I have to get a matching helmet and shoes too.   My bike shoes are yellow and my helmet is blue / grey.  I surely can't wear those to race now that my bike is red.  :) 

I've got a coach and I'm on a structured training plan now so my racing schedule next year will definitely be much slimmer than this year.  New Orleans will be my first 'official' half in April 2009 and Florida will be my first full in November 2009. (or Hawaii if I get in)  If I get a lottery slot to Hawaii then I'm probably going to treat Florida as a long training day and do the swim and bike and opt out of the run.  At least that's what my coach is telling to do if that situation happens.   We'll see.  I'm not one to quit races but with Hawaii and Florida being within the same month that may be the best option.

My girlfriend and I are volunteering for IMFL this year to get in the special line.  Hopefully that is going to guarantee my spot.  

Race nutrition... Ahh...   One of my favorite subjects.   I've experimented with lots and had sucess with little.   Gel packs go straight through me or make me dump.   I'm currently having limited success with peanut butter but I'm having issues with packaging.   I can't seem to find a distributor that sells peanut butter in a little pack like the get packs come in.   I'm currently training with peanut butter mixed with flavorless protein and a tiny bit of sugar.   I stick those in ziplocks and put them in the fridge to stay hard.  They stay intact for the most part but they are still messy as hell.  I talked to my doc and he prescribed a little blue pill (not Viagra) that is some form of a gut narcotic.   It's worked for me most of the time but I forgot to take it the morning of TriAmerica.  It wasn't just the lack of taking that pill though.  The distance, heat, dehydration and other contributing factors led to my digestive problems.   I would have had issues with a normal digestive tract I think. 

Good luck in Lake Placid and Arizona.   From what the guys in my tri club have told me Lake Placid is one of the best events they have participated in.   They pretty much shut the town down and concentrate 100% on Ironman. 



(deactivated member)
on 6/20/08 11:06 pm - Island Heights, NJ
Ooooo... Long course nutrition, A favorite subject of mine!
After 18 months of experimenting, I've finally found the right mix for me.

A Clif Bar and a banana, 2 Hours before the race.

3 Thermolyte Electrolyte / Sodium capsules 30 Minutes before the swim.

3 Clif Shot Blocks 15 minutes before the swim. (I can't do gels, either... but, if I let the shot blocks just melt in my mouth, and then chase it with a little H2O, I'm all good)

4 bottles of Cytomax (3 on the bike, one in transition) with some crystal light thrown in to make it taste better. As I finish a Cytomax on the bike, I jettison the bottle and grab a water at the bottle exchange.
3 Thermolyte Capsules ever hour on the bike.
1 Clif Bar Half way thru the bike.
3 Clif Shot Blocks during the last 5 miles of the bike.

3 More Thermolytes in Transition (Can't take em on the run, because the get wet with sweat & dissolve in your pocket... gross. I learned that the hard way!)
I take my transition bottle of Cytomax out on the run and discard the botttle when it's finished.
I keep 2 bags of shot blocks (the kind with sodium) in my race jersey pocket, and suck on them, one at a time, throughout the entire run.
I hit every aid station for as much water as I can handle.

Post race... A banana or two and a LOT of water.

Later that night... 5-6 beers!

Of course, This is just me... but, none of this stuff seems to cause me any GI distress.

I think we should all get together and write a book...
"Training & Race Nutrition for Post-WLS Endurance Athletes"

We probably could sell a couple o' dozen copies!

-Be Well,

on 6/20/08 11:46 pm
Chad, look for military MRE's. When I was working at the surplus store several years ago, those MRE's had peanut butter that came in a little package just like the gels.  You just had to squeeze it a couple times before you opened them because the oil tended to seperate from the peanut butter.  But once mixed, it didn't taste too bad. de%20Dish%20Peanut%20Butter&bhcd2=1214055823 MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) Accessory- Peanut Butter Scott

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/08 10:45 pm, edited 6/20/08 11:13 pm - Island Heights, NJ
Dude... Nice Ride! :thumbsup: Look at you, posting tri-bike pjorn on OH! Too Cool. Now, you gotta get a custom "Team 464" paint job. It you're anything like me, you'll probably take better care of your bike than you do of your car... am I right? And, since we're posting bike pics... Here's my Van Dessel Hellafster racked at this year's Eagleman 70.3 Photobucket Only 17 Months 'til IMFL '09... Get of the computer and get back to training, :rofl: Congrats! -A.J.
on 6/21/08 4:57 am - Baton Rouge, LA

SWEET ride man!

"It you're anything like me, you'll probably take better care of your bike than you do of your car... am I right?

Hah hah hah.  That made me laugh.   So true.   Car and yardwork take back seats to training and racing.  


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