Wednesday Workout

Soft And Lovely
on 6/18/08 7:02 am - IL
I don't know the ettiquette for posting the workout thread but no one had done it yet and I like posting mine and reading other's routines.  500m swim (not pretty) 2mi walk/run

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

Kevin A.
on 6/18/08 7:21 am - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
4 mile run this morning!! After work I'm going to hit the weights!!

Thanks for posting!!!
 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
on 6/18/08 8:05 am - Cosby, TN

30 min - Circiut training 30 min Station Bike - 8 miles 45 min Treadmill - 3.5 miles @ 5.5 and 5 min cooldown cleaned and mopped hard wood floors today if that counts


Linn D.
on 6/18/08 8:44 am - Missoula, MT
Continuing my recovery week.  Just another short 4-mile run at 6.7. No yard work today, but lots of housework! Linn
Linn D.
on 6/18/08 8:45 am - Missoula, MT
Anyone can start this thread!  Glad you did it. Linn
on 6/18/08 10:13 am - MI
I am doing my 2 mile walk tonight.  Hoping I cleared for swimming and running tomorrow.  I am excited to start a more intense workout in hopes of seeing lbs and inches come off faster.  I can't wait to swim!!!!!
Sherry S.
on 6/18/08 10:13 am - Warner, NH
45 minutes of water aeorbics, and 15 minutes of laps!
              Mini Goal : 10 lbs by 4/16/10
Start/294 Surgery/263.6  Current/248  Goal/155

 Start/291   Day of Surgery/262.6  Current/246.6  Personal Goal/155  Lost so far:  41.8

on 6/18/08 10:46 am - Minneapolis, MN
1 hour Yoga Sculpt class (combination cardio, weights and yoga) and it kicked my booty!

"When you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you."

on 6/18/08 1:32 pm - MI
I FEEL GREAT!!!!!!  I walked my 2 miles tonight and I did it at a pace that even my hubby was impressed with!!  I feel so empowered, I control my future and my destiny and it's not just because of the surgery it's because I choose to move and shape myself!!! OK, done with my revelation...I just feel so good!
Soft And Lovely
on 6/18/08 8:17 pm - IL
You go girl!!  Doesn't activity feel awesome?  Yay endorpins!   When I got here like a week and a half ago, Scott suggested I sign up for an actual event in order to motivate myself with a goal.  I thought that was a brilliant idea and now I'm signed up for a 3K, two 5Ks, and one bike event before the year is up.  Maybe signing yourself up for something will motivate you too.  Heck we might even end up at the same event!

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

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