How do you start???

on 6/17/08 9:59 am - MI
Hi everyone.  I am trying to motivate myself to the level of actually running.  I am 5 weeks post op and have yet to be cleared for excercise.  I did no moving before surgery.  Since my surgery I am walking 2 miles a day and averaging about 17 minute miles.  Not great but I am moving.  I would like to set a goal of being able to run those two miles but I have no idea how to start.  Plus I'm a little embarrassed.  I am still large and very jiggly.  Any suggeestions on how to begin to build up to running vs. walking?  I want to increase my heartrate.
Soft And Lovely
on 6/17/08 10:12 am - IL

I'm just starting out here too.  This is a great place to come and read the inspirational race reports from all the veterans here!  Here's the running plan I'm following from the Runner's World website.,7120,s6-380-381--2201- 1-2X3X6-4,00.html

I'm doing the first week twice.  I'll try moving on to week two after that if I feel my joints can take it!

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

Linn D.
on 6/17/08 10:46 am - Missoula, MT
Try not to get too caught up in the aspect of jiggliness.  I'm over 4 years post op and still have the jiggles since I've not yet had any PS.  Just be sure you have good supportive garments.  I generally use 2 bras, and a lot of folks use compression clothing.  It really does help. Most of us did some sort of walk to jog or couch to 5K program.  There are a lot of them out there.  I'm glad to hear you say you want to get your heart rate up, because that's where the true benefits of exercise come in.  By the way, don't worry if you end up repeating some weeks because they're just too much at the moment.  It's totally fine.  At this point, it's the health aspects that are the most important. Another thing to remember is that if you hurt (not just muscle soreness) you're doing too much too soon.  If you have any joint problems, I'd suggest you see an orthopedic surgeon or PT to be sure you're doing things safely. There's a bunch of us here that do a lot of running, and we all started out right where you are.  Please don't get discouraged if you don't progress as you think you should.  Your body will tell you how much it can do and when.  Do, however, watch your iron levels.  Women runners have to be especially diligent. Join the fun!  This forum is great. Linn
on 6/17/08 10:56 am - MI
Thank you both!  I am very excited.  I looked at the website and as soon as I am released for excercise I will start with week one.   I will keep posting's very inspiring to hear how everyone has progressed.
Soft And Lovely
on 6/17/08 11:11 am - IL
I can't wait to read your reports!  We Illinois ladies gotta stick together and represent the land of Lincoln!  I have found that the "get the right shoes" part is really important (in my vast 1 week and 2 days experience).  Especially because our bigger bodies put a lot of stress on lots of joints when we run (waddle in my case).  The first time I ran I just used my old shoes and it just about killed my knees!  I went out the very next day and got a decent pair of shoes from a real running store.  They weren't cheap but they were worth it!  I haven't had any problems with my knees since.

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

on 6/17/08 4:11 pm - Barboursville, WV

Start slow and don't over do it. I would also echo getting some good shoes. I went to a local running shop and they helped me get the right shoe. Makes a big difference.  pan head

Ruth A.
on 6/17/08 5:09 pm - Letchworth Garden City, UK
Hi there I've only recently started running - it feels so great to be doing something that I have always out in the domain of thin people!! Anyway, my advice is to aim high, and push yourself, but don't give yourself unreasonable expectations.  That has been my trouble - wanting to run a marathon in a few weeks and getting discouraged when I haven't got that far yet! Just like weight loss - set yourself small goals and celebrate each one.  Every step is a step in the right direction. Also read all the race reports - they are so inspiring and keep me going when I'm feeling like giving up. Wish you all the best and hope it goes well once you start.
Elisa K.
on 6/17/08 9:38 pm - Lumberton, NJ

I am also going to chime in on the good shoes / good sports bra advice!  What a difference they both make!  Contained boobs make all the difference in running - lol!!  If you are serious, I suggest you go to a running store (not a general sporting goods store) and have them fit you for shoes.  Be sure to bring your old sneakers - they will examine the wear on them, and also look at how you walk/jog.  They will pick out the correct shoes for you.  They should also be able to fit you with a correct sports bra.   I started running in the Spring.  I had no idea what I was doing, so I purchased a Woman's Guide to Running (I think that is the title) from Barnes & Noble.  The book was very informative.  It contains training schedules for the beginning, intermediate and advanced runner.  You may want to check your book store or the internet for something like that. Kudos to you for making exercise a priority in your life!!  I truely believe that if we are going to be successful longterm, we need to make exercise a way of life!

Scott William
on 6/17/08 9:58 pm
"Not great but I am moving".  I would disagree.  If you weren't moving before surgery, I'd say that 2 miles in 34 minutes is awesome!!!  That is a good clip - 3.5 mph.  Nothing to be ashamed of there. Anyway, what I did was increase the time and intensity.  I only had an hour to exercise at the gym because my son was in the daycare.  I gave myself 30 minutes for cardio.  After I had maxed out the walking for 30 minutes, I started inserting running segments into the exercise.  I would run for a minute or two and walk again.  After a while I was running more than walking and soon I had finished a 5K on the treadmill in under 30 minutes.  I was pumping my fist like a jackass but I didn't care.  I got some strange looks though.  You will run those two miles and perhaps many more.  Get cleared by the doc and start slowly.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 6/17/08 11:45 pm - MI
Thanks everyone!  I will look for a running store in the Rockford area.  I've actually never heard of one.  A definitely a good sports bra....much needed support. Your stories are all inspiring.  I hope to get clearance tomorrow from the doc.  Thank you all so much for the motivation.
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