2nd Triathlon Race Report

on 6/16/08 9:56 am - Portsmouth, NH
Great job Linn!!!     I agree with others - I love reading race reports.  Helps me imagine being there some day!  I just found out that a former co-worker has been doing some local tri-athalons and of course now I'm interested! 

Check out the video on youtube that my partner made about my WLS journey!

Rob S.
on 6/16/08 10:59 am - DE
Great job, Linn!  Sounds like you've got the system down.  I would recommend getting bike cleats for your bike if your doing a lot of tris, and velcro bike shoes.  They make the transition a little easier.  Keep up the good work. Rob
Linn D.
on 6/16/08 11:16 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks, Rob! I have bike shoes with SPD cleats that I wear to all my spinning classes and also bought some pedals, but we couldn't get the pedals off my dad's bike to replace them.  When I was trying to tie my shoes, it was very clear in my mind how much easier this would have been if my plan had worked.  My next bike will have pedals with the SPD cleats.  I like them because they're easy on and off. I appreciate the suggestion!  Anything that would make things easier is a great idea to me! Linn
Chris Zane
on 6/16/08 12:28 pm
Great race Linn! I can totally relate to trying to get your shoes on.  When I did my first tri, the water was so cold and when I got out, my hands were numb.  Putting my socks and shoes and bike gloves on was so hard.  I had practiced the transition at home, but it was nothing like that.  It's a lot harder to do it soaking wet and freezing. Anyhow, thanks for the report.  Also, you had a great time.  Congratulations. Denise
Linn D.
on 6/17/08 2:54 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks Denise.  It's nice to know others have felt the same pain!  You know, misery loves company! Linn
on 6/18/08 1:22 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Grats Linn!  I enjoyed reading your report.



on 6/19/08 12:55 pm
Way to go! Exciting stuff.
on 6/20/08 5:57 am - Dacula, GA
Congrats on your second tri!!!!!!!!!!! Woooohooo! You sounded like you were strong out there and kept your spirits up. A few questions...just because I'm curious...I might be able to offer you some helpful advice for your 3rd tri:) 1. What was your swim/bike/run splits? 2. In the triathlon...which is your strength? Weakness? 3. I musta missed your first tri race report...how did you compare b/w the 2. Was your first a pool swim or lake swim? 4. Why was your chip strap under your sock? 5. Do you carry a CO2 inflator with you? Do you know how to change a tire? 6. How often are you doing BRICKS? 7. Have you thought about using clipless pedals and bike shoes with cleats? 8. What are your goals for your end of the season race or your "A" race?
Linn D.
on 6/20/08 8:48 am - Missoula, MT
Sherry, Thanks for the input! I didn't get anything but a run split, which was 28:56, because there were technical difficulties with the timing.  This was actually better than I anticipated because I didn't feel like I was running that fast.  My fastest recent 10K was 59:41.  I'm a strong biker and runner (I have huge legs), but a very poor swimmer.  I passed at least 10-11 people on the bike and 5 during the run. I didn't post much from the first because I was very disappointed with the whole experience.  I didn't have a road bike, and was disappointed about being pulled from the pool on my last lap.  So, the first one was a pool swim and it was way back in April.  My time for this one was over 12 minutes faster, and my run was 3:40 faster (I've been working on speed) The chip was on my ankle like a hospital ID tag (similar style) not a velcro strap.  I have large ankles and had it on the largest hole, but I needed one more because the next one smaller was too small.  It was just kinda stuck on the top of my sock and I would have liked it to fit over.  I'll make my own velcro strap for the next one. I don't carry a CO2 inflator.  It was a borrowed bike 15 years old.  I do know how to change a tire.  But at the sprint distances, I think it's a moot point.  I just need a bike that's my own.  That's an excellent idea and I'll remember it when I do an olympic length one. I generally do bricks twice a week, but I know I was working a lot harder on the bike than I should've needed to.  I'm sure that's why my run was actually faster than it felt. I usually do more running races, and this is my first summer doing triathlons.  We don't have much extra spending money (I'm unemployed and starting pharmacy school in the fall) or I'd have a bike and some other stuff.  It's just not a priority at this point in time.  I'm 42 years old and not looking to win, just doing the best I can with what I have to work with. I'm determined to spend 3 days/week in the pool until the next one in August.  This one in August is a little shorter swim, though (750 yd).  Ultimately I'd like to do these in 1:30 or less.  I'd also like to do some longer distances especially since I do so much running (doing a half marathon next month).  It takes nearly 2 miles for me to get into my groove anyway, so if I can manage the swim, everything else would be fine. I don't know if I'll ever buy the sockless shoes because I don't like running without socks and have to be pretty careful about shoes, but it's something to think about. For the next race, I'd like to be able to do the swim in 23-25 minutes and the 5K in 26-27 min.  I have no idea how to gauge the bike since I didn't have a split on this last one, but I don't think 40 minutes is out of the question.  If nothing else, I may rent a bike for the next one.  We'll just have to wait and see what we can afford. Thanks again for your input.  A lot of these things I have thought about, just not sure how soon I can implement some of it.  Mostly I like to have races as goals because it helps keep me moving forward. Linn
on 6/20/08 9:00 am - Dacula, GA
a Co2 inflator is really not a moot point at a sprint distance. If you pop a tire you're done. Even in your training-you're riding a lot...you need to carry a basic bike bag with the basic essentials... 2 or 3 tire levers at least one spare tube co2 cartidges and an inflator gun. The threadless are a lot easier to use than a threaded one. Some people carry a patch kit. That comes in handy when you run out of tubes. It really sounds like you're doing a great job with your training. 90% of triathletes are not looking to win. I'm a MOP to BOP racer...I'm not very fast...I'm average. I have a strong swim and bike...my run needs improvement. It's strange that they didn't have neoprene velcro straps for you. If you look on some sites like all3sports.com or the USAT website, you can buy your own chip strap. All the races I've done have had the velcro straps. Also-as a cyclist, make sure in training you are carying ID. Whether it's a lisence or a Road ID. A road ID is a company who makes kinda like a medical tag...which you could put a buttload of info on. I have my name...gastric bypass...no bling NG tube...no oral steroids or NSAIDS...my sugeon's name and number...my hubby's name and numbers. You can get it in many forms. I wear the bracelet w/a pink strap. My coach wears his on a neoprene strap around his ankle. Sorry you got pulled from the first swim...were you choking on water? Oh, and for the road bike...do you pump your tires each time before you ride? That might have been your flat problem. If you have a slow leak for real, then you'll have to replace the tube. Hope this info is helpful to you.
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