2nd Triathlon Race Report

Linn D.
on 6/16/08 12:30 am - Missoula, MT
Sorry guys, this is pretty long.  But you all know how long-winded I can get!

Foys Lake Kalispell, MT  ½-mile swim, 12.7-mile bike, 5Krun



It was a pretty cool morning, but at least it wasn’t raining!  (We’ve had a lot of rain lately in Western Montana).  I picked up my race packet when I was supposed to have done it the day before.  The information we received about packed pickup gave an incorrect closing time for the gym, and though I was early, I was late.  Anyway, I proceeded to put all the numbers on my bike, helmet, and self and had a last-minute change of plans about how I was going to dress.  I ended up only wearing the bra top and leaving the dry top with the number on it with the bike.



The water was COLD and I was very happy I at least had a shorty wetsuit - even without arms.  Once the foghorn went off, it was still 10-20 seconds before I was actually swimming.  It took my breath away and I almost panicked for a second then remembered that I knew this would happen and I relaxed again.  The water was so choppy and I had a hard time navigating so I mostly side-stroked to the first buoy.  Once I turned to go across the lake, I started alternating some crawl with sidestroke.  I certainly wasn’t fast, but I kept going.  I tried backstroking a little, but since there were no clouds in the sky I got dizzy when I turned back to swim.  It did give me a breather, though.  I kept going with some side, some forward until the second buoy, which meant I was about ¾ done with the swim.  When I got to the end and tried to get out of the water, I fell.  Twice!  My feet and hands were so numb I couldn’t get my balance on the rocks.  I finally made it out of the water and ran to the bike area.



There weren’t many bikes left because I'm so slow in the water, so it was easy to get to my things.  I pulled the wetsuit off, grabbed the towel and started drying a little.  Then I stepped into my top knowing there was no way I was getting it on over my head and tried putting my arms in it.  Got one in and decided to put on shoes and socks.  We couldn’t get my dad’s pedals off his bike, so I had to use my running shoes on the bike.  Wet feet and socks are tough, but doable.  The hardest part was tying my shoes!  My hands were still so cold that it took me 4 tries tying the left one!  I was glad I saw the humor in it by the second and could giggle to myself about it.  Now that the shoes were on, I finished putting my shirt on and remembered that, oh, I better put on the helmet and gloves. 



I’m on the bike now and getting started thankful to be out of the cold water.  Nothing much to say about the bike leg except that it was nice being on a road bike – for the first half anyway.  Nearing the turnaround, the bike started getting a little hard to pedal and I was sure it wasn’t my legs.  I looked down and there must be a slow leak in the back tire.  I turn around and know that it won’t be as easy or fast going back, but I’ll make it just fine.  I think I passed 10 or 11 people on the bike leg.  It's funny that hills don't bother me so much on a bike!



Back in the transition area, I put my bike back and take off gloves and helmet and I’m off.  My feet are still numb from the cold and wearing running shoes on the bike and it’s hard not really feeling the steps you’re taking.  You just keep putting one foot in front of the other and hope.  Since I had to struggle so much on the last half of the bike, my legs were rubber also, and I know I wasn’t running very fast.  The chip strap was digging into my foot under my sock, and I had to stop a couple times in the beginning to rearrange it.  Once I got going again, here’s the dreaded hill.  I slog up it, get to a turnaround, and pleasantly get to run back down the hill.  At this time my body remembers the speeds it’s used to and I step it up some.  After about 2 miles my legs start to feel more normal again, just in time for a change from road to trail, um, I mean grass.  The last mile was in a field used to train jumping horses and I managed to actually feel pretty good now – especially since I could see the finish.  I know the run was a lot slower than I hoped, but I couldn’t make the legs go any faster.  I worked pretty hard on the bike.   The transition times weren’t listed in the results, so I have no idea how that part was, but my official finish time was 1:46:20; 55 of 79 women finishers and 6 of 10 in my age bracket.  Not quite the 1:45 I was hoping for, but acceptable to me for this race and much better than the first.


Anyway, it was a much better experience for me than the first was.  I really need to get a bike and do LOTS more swimming, but I’m pretty happy with how I did.  I felt like I worked hard and couldn’t have done much better.  I’d like to do this one again next year now that I’ve been on the course.



Thanks for reading my report!




on 6/16/08 1:03 am - Salem, OR
Great job, Linn!!!  I'm so in awe of all you triathetes!!!  And jealous too!  You are amazing!!!  --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Linn D.
on 6/16/08 1:09 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks a lot, Deanna. You know, all it takes to do one is to decide you're going to!  This one really was good, and good for me also.  I needed to know I could do it without throwing a fit! Linn
Scott William
on 6/16/08 1:05 am
Way to go Linn.  I've never done one but it sounds like a blast.  Keep up the great work.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Linn D.
on 6/16/08 1:11 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks Scott! They really are very different than any running race I've done.  More challenging for me, but also good to push both the body and the mind.  The next race for me is a half marathon in July.  It's strange how much easier it is for me mentally to prepare for a half than it was for this tri. Linn
on 6/16/08 1:05 am
Congrats, and thanks for sharing your story. I love reading the race reports. Scott

The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!

Linn D.
on 6/16/08 1:07 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks Scott! I like reading the race reports also because you really get a good picture of what the race was like.
on 6/16/08 1:50 am - Baltimore, MD
So easy to imagine that icy water! Thanks for the report Linn. Congrats on another notch in your belt.
Linn D.
on 6/16/08 5:27 am - Missoula, MT
Thanks a lot, Dan,  I think I learn something new from each race I do, and as far as the notches go, I just do more because I want to get better at it.  I DO have all my race numbers, though.
on 6/16/08 5:15 am - MI
Since you know my style of fashion. I must ask..Was the Sports bra matching the bike, shoes, and bike, oh and the helmet?

Great job Linn.... Way to gut out a great finish... Looks like you never can get enough swimming or brick workouts..

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