Did my first 10K!!

on 6/15/08 11:10 am - Portsmouth, NH
Hi all,   Well, I did my first 10K yesterday and had a great time!!  We were able to pick up our packets the night before which I love - cuts down on my stress level!  Our training group met at the running store at 8am and we did a quick warm-up run and stretch and took pictures.  A little before 9 we headed to the start line.  This race starts in the middle of my town - it's the start of a summer festival that closes downtown.  We started near the back - I love that because you can see the stream of folks in front and I really feel like a runner!     The day was a bit warmer than I hoped, but there were some good shady parts of the run.  I did take a couple of walk breaks, but that was mostly because of the heat, not how my body or spirit were feeling.  And I knew I would walk a bit so I wasn't disappointed.  The best part of the race - it runs through a lot of neighborhoods in town and people are out cheering throughout the race - and dogs were even barking to cheer us on!  And...people had garden hoses on mist and we could run through them (my favorite thing!), they had water to drink (or in my case pour on my head) and inspirational music - including Chariots of Fire.  It was awesome!!  I think it made the race go by quicker because I kept looking ahead for the next garden hose or music, etc.    I ended up finishing before 2 other people in my training group - quite an accomplishment since I was always last in the training!  I finished in 1:12:24 with my best race pace yet of 11:39.   Thanks again to this board for all your support and encouragement!  Now...on to the next race!

Check out the video on youtube that my partner made about my WLS journey!

Soft And Lovely
on 6/15/08 11:33 am - IL

Congrats on your first 10K!!  Thanks for the awsome report.  Can't wait to hear about the next one.

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

Linn D.
on 6/15/08 1:36 pm - Missoula, MT
Congratulations!!!!! I'm so happy you had a great time doing this race!  It makes it all the better when your training pays off in ways you don't always expect. Thanks for letting us in on this journey of yours, and once again, congratulations!  I can't wait to hear what's next. Linn
Kevin A.
on 6/15/08 2:46 pm - Bombay, CA
RNY on 08/21/06 with
I've been looking forward to your race!! I remember your post about people in your running being mean about you finishing last!! I so happy you ran a great race and more important had a great time!!

 "You have to be uncompromised in your level of commitment to whatever you are doing, or it can disappear as fast as it appeared." ~Michael Jordan~
Scott William
on 6/15/08 10:12 pm
Way to go.  I knew you'd do awesomely!  Races that have more spectators are more fun because of what you mentioned and there is more to look at and time does go more quickly.  Congrats on your first and not last 10K finish!!!!!!!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 6/15/08 11:33 pm - Baltimore, MD
Sounds like it was a most excellent time. Congrats! -Dan
on 6/15/08 11:29 pm - MI
Congratulations on this great accomplishment. Sounds like you had a plan for the race and stuck to it.

Great Job
on 6/16/08 1:04 am - Salem, OR
Awesome!!!  I knew you could do it!  And you had a great finish time ... good for you!  That course sounds really fun too ... it's amazing how things can inspire us along the way!  --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

Ruth A.
on 6/16/08 5:18 am - Letchworth Garden City, UK
Well done, you did great.  Sounds like it gave you a great buzz.  Bet you can't wait for the next one. Ruth
on 6/19/08 5:38 am - Epsom, NH
That's so exciting - your first 10K and good time too.  Did you do the Redhoook Brewey 5K a few weeks ago - and the Smuttynose in Newmarket is ths weekend.    I love the  saying that the smuttynose has "WILL RUN FOR BEER".  And I'll even get a t-shirt that says that.   Too funny.  Congrats on your great time and see you around perhaps - I do most 5Ks but my goal is a 10K in September inMilford.
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