2nd 10K complete

on 6/14/08 12:42 am, edited 6/14/08 12:43 am - MI
Well my 2nd 10K is under my belt, and 3rd run race. I had big expectations for today, and was looking for a PR.

I go up about 6am, took a quick shower. Ate a PowerBar, and worked on getting in some fluid. I was feeling a little sluggish this morning, and wasnt sure what it was from.

Left for the race about 06:50am, and arrived about 0700am. There was very few people at the the race, and realized I probably arrived to early. I first found a registration and was told to go inside to register. I was wondering why I couldnt register at this table, and was a bit put off, but oh well.. So I took off for the registration site inside the gym.Registration was super quick. Got my bag of goodies, timing chip, T- shirt, and returned to my truck
in hopes of finding something to do for the next hour.

I wasted my time by looking at all the knick knacks, and crap that came in the bag. Read some brochures on other upcoming races.

Now I'm getting bored. I notice people registering at that first place I went to. So I got kinda curious why they are so special to register there and I was told to go inside. So I decided to go and solve the mystery. Well, much to my surprise, it was registration for "Girls on the Run". No wonder I was sent away before I ever got to the tent. Whoooppsss..

So I do a little stretching, my legs feel tight, but maybe its because of the pre race jitters. I do a little warm up running around the block. Once again, my legs feel tired, heavy and tight. Oh well, they will loosen up during the race.

About 5 minutes before race start, I line up towards to the front in hopes of trying to avoid some of the congestion of being towards the back of the pack. I think this might have been my first mistake.

So right at 8am, the horn sounds, and I'm off. I'm holding my own with the front of the pack. Feeling good, maybe a little to fast, but once everything gets unclogged, and I find someone to pace with, I will get back into "MY" rhythm. Well at the 1st mile, I hear the timer telling me "7 Minutes". Holy **** I am going way to fast. I'd better shut it down or I will self destruct.

I slow down into what I thought was a pace that suits me and will also bring to the finish in a PR. At this point, aerobically, I am feeling good, maybe a little over heated, but not to bad. But my darn legs still feel tired, and heavy.

At the half way turn around, my time is 25 minutes. I'm thinking to myself that I will have a low 55 minute finish time. I stop and walk to get a quick drink of water from an aid station. From that point on, I couldnt get my legs to respond. They are tired, weak, and heavy feeling.

At about the 4 mile mark, I am getting passed by people who were well behind me. And there is nothing I can do. My legs are toast. From this point to just before the finish, I am trying to diagnose what my problem is. I stop at the last aid station to get a good drink of water, and to pour some water over me thinking that I am overheating (I dont feel like it, but).

At the 5 mile mark, my legs are wobbly, heavy and my right leg is almost to the point of cramping. At this point, I am trying to do the math of where I will finish. Is a PR still possible? Or should I shut it down, and just look to finish?

In my overloaded mind, I come up with a time that should bring me in somewhere before my PR. So I dig down and decide to pu**** to the end and try for the PR.

The last 1/2 mile or so, was pure torture. My arms and legs were shaking, and all I wanted to do was lay down, and drink a beer. Well as I turned the corner to the final 50 yards or so, the crowd kind of reenergized me, and I found my pace being picked up. I am having goose bumps, and deep down a bit emotional.

I now know that I will come in with a PR, I fought thru a poor race for a PR. A year ago, I was to big to have done a race like this, and had I signed up, I would have given up back around the 3 mile mark when my body started falling apart.

I finished in 55:15. A full minute and 30 seconds better than my first and only other 10K.

My thoughts on why I blew up:

1. I didnt do any running for the past 4 days. I never got a chance to run because of my busy work schedule this race.

2. I dont think I fueled up very well prior to the race. I had a powerbar this morning, and ate like crap yesterday at work.

3. I didnt take my fuelbelt with me like I told someone I would. I hate not being able to get a drink when I want one.

4. I started off way to fast. With a 7 minute first mile, I was doomed from the beginning.

Elisa K.
on 6/14/08 2:17 am - Lumberton, NJ
Good for you!!!  How awesome that you didn't give up, and kept going!  I am training for my first 5k in July, and I love reading everyone's race reports.  Thanks so much for sharing, and congratulations on the PR!!! 
on 6/14/08 2:19 am - Cosby, TN
Congrats on your time and keeping going.  I am going to do my 2nd 5K on the 28th.  I have been trying to add more miles and faster speed.   Sue


Linn D.
on 6/14/08 2:37 am - Missoula, MT
Hey Curt! Don't beat yourself up about it, you did great!  Every race is a learning experience, and we take away what we can from them.  Your perseverence truly showed through, and I'd have been surprised if you didn't finish the best you could make your body do. I honestly doubt that not running was a contributing factor.  You're in pretty good shape and do so many other things as well.  You're probably right on the money about the food thing, though.  I try to eat light but well the day before. Well, I thought I'd check in one last time before I leave home.  Going to spend some time with my folks and get my dad's bike set up for me before heading to the town the race is in to sign in and get my number.  No race day packet pickup. Take care of yourself and know that you did the best race you could under the cir****tances.  I'm proud of and for you digging within yourself and remembering what you're made of! Linn
on 6/14/08 12:14 pm - Salem, OR
Oh man, you even got your picture taken with Tony the Tiger?  I'm so jealous!!!  Seriously, Curt, you need to get SMALLER shorts!  I'm surprised you didn't run right out of those!  But, you had a great time!!!  Congratulations, I knew you could do it!!!  --Deanna  :)

"Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid it will never begin."
--Grace Hansen

Weight lost:  140 pounds

on 6/14/08 8:13 pm - MI
Yes, since I am from the home of Tony the Tiger, I had to take a picture with him. Especially since one of the sponsors was Kelloggs.

As for the Shorts deal that is bothering you so much. I had intended to run in my triathlon shorts (Compression). But when I didnt see anyone else wearing them, I got intimidated and kept the outer shorts on.. I wont do that again.

I need to learn from this race, so that each race from here on out is top notch. Fueling and pace are my two top issues to improve on.

Thanks for the kind words, and looks like we both had a great day..

Scott William
on 6/14/08 11:57 pm
Way to go Curt!!!  Great time. I think that you were toast in the last half simply because of #4.  You went out WAY too fast and paid for it in the last 3 miles.  Hey, it's a learning expereince and I have done it more than my share of times.  For a 5K, I like to hit the mile mark in about 7:30 but in one race I hit it in 7:00.  My last mile was about 10 minutes.  The more you run, the more you will figure yourself out.  Congrats on a great race.

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 6/15/08 12:17 am - MI

Thanks alot. I really think it was a combination of all the issues I put down. When I got up in the morning, I didnt quite feel right. Like i said, I didnt eat anywhere near like I should have especially before a race. But the quick start probably put me right over the edge. Usually I can overcome a quick start, but just not during this race.

Once again, thanks..
Ruth A.
on 6/15/08 4:53 am - Letchworth Garden City, UK
Thanks for the report - and Greeeeaaaaaaaat Picture!! hehe. I find it so inspiring, interesting and helpful reading how people have got on - I can hopefully learn from your experience.  Good for you for finishing. Ruth
Soft And Lovely
on 6/15/08 5:45 am - IL
WTG on making the PR!  Even though it was way too fast for an entire race, a 7 minute mile is pretty awsome!

*I'm not a big fan of scales.  The real numbers are on my profile.
**Weight on the sun (sure the numbers are high but look how fast you lose!)

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